Tonight I followed a VTR1000 most of the way home. I had the roof down and wasn't restricted by wearing a crash helmet. Don't get me wrong, it's nowhere near as pretty as my 'Blade (I've spent 10 minutes stood looking at it to double check), but the nooooooooooisssssssssse.......It's like Tom Waits gargling draught Guinness.
Agreed ken, sounds like a mix between Armageddon and a night at the proms Just imagine the blade with that sound track not that I don't love mine ..... But mmmmmm it would be nice
Bridge Garage have got this dark grey SP2 in the window with a "This Bike is not for Sale" sign on it. Speed have got an SP1 and an SP2 but they want stupid money for the 2. But it would be the perfect stable mate for the FireBlade, like buying a donkey to keep a thoroughbred company.
The SP1/2 is on my hit list within the next year or so. I'd keep it for those occasional sunny Sunday blasts. There's 1 just round the corner from me, and every time it goes by I tell myself I'm going to get 1. It would look good next to the Blade and a Blackbird
My mates got an sp1 with a pair of renegade race cans on it .... It sounds awesome!! Will maybe have to break it out when I do my video for my Arrow!