This is from the Honda USA site. It would be blinding if we got some more colour options. Your thoughts?
It's like they couldn't find the box of decals ........... Bit of a thumbs down from me i'm afraid...
One look at your two's avatars/signature thingies shows me that it does not appeal to a certain demographic!
I could get over the plainness it's just the big black bit at the bottem makes it look like one of them awful half faired bikes, paint that red then its not so bad I suppose
I think it looks clean. If they did the bits that are red here in a blue or silver that would be superb too.
Must admit I do prefer the 2012 HRC over the above 2013 HRC colours, however neither can hold a candle to the TT Legends Paint Scheme.
I'd take the red bike over all of the others posted here. And if instead of the red it was dark blue or silver even better. Does that make me a bad person? Do I need help?
I quite like tall that bad too? Might just chip down to A&E in the morning. Can't be too careful.