Just got back from the TT I was speaking to a guy who told he had done a track day with the police anybody knows which force does it I need a lot of help on my cornering
Any TD operators instructors would be a better bet for out and out cornering lines. If however U wana learn the ways of the Advanced Road Going Motorcyclist then the Filth's (no offence like) course would be better!
I tend to race down pubic roads as fast as humanly possible, the police then follow trying to keep up, does that count??
Hopp Rider Training do a half day performance plus course with Lincs Police at Caldwell. Could be them but they are shutting up shop at the end if this year. Personally I would recommend British Super Bike School at Blyton Park. Not pure trackday and they will work in what you want. Also consider doing some advanced training.
My mate did the police advanced rider course then started riding on the wrong side of road coming up to left handers until he almost had a head on with a car pulling out from a side road on right. Probably a good course to do mostly but IMO has made my mate ride like a kn*b and actually be less safe while having more confidence that he is safer.....
They made me ride like that on a BikeSafe course. I found it quite counter intuitive and struggled with the idea, shown by the fact that it was one of only two items I got marked down on. At the time, I likened it to leaning into a right hook. I've tried it a few times since but still drift back to the way I've done it for 35 years, giving myself the biggest run off available.