Issue with Diamond Rearsets when using a TaylorMade exhaust

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by Zanshin, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Zanshin

    Zanshin Active Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Just looked at fitting some Diamond rearsets but hit a bit of a snag.

    Was starting on the gear side and everything seemed easy enough but then I noticed the gear selector was hitting the lower cowl

    I realised this was due to the lower cowl being very slightly further out from the bike compared to standard, due the stand off extension you fit to the cowl when fitting the TaylorMade exhaust (to keep the cowl of the exhaust itself).

    I've posted a little vid to show the problem.

    CBR100RR Diamond Rearsets issue with Taylormade Exhaust. - YouTube

    Has anyone came across this issue before and if so what solution did you come up with.

    Now I know the opinion of many on this site and would be grateful if we could avoid the "just get rid of that TaylorMade piece of crap" suggestions ;)
    I realise it's not good quality etc. but it does look good - to be fair I was thinking if I could just bend the pipe of my PipeWerx to fit through the TaylorMade carbon infill panel then that would be the business :D

    Anyhoo I digressed there a bit..... any suggestions?
  2. PeterT

    PeterT Active Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Either cut down the arm, or space it out using some aluminium spacers.
  3. Zanshin

    Zanshin Active Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Good point..... I wonder if I could space it out enough without needing a new bolt (don't fancy cutting down the arm..... will have to check that out


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