ITUNES guru required

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Ive recently had to install windows 7 on my home PC due to vista being crap so I made a back up of each user account (me & the GF)

    Ive since thought when I've installed ITunes again that both me and the mrs have a lot of exactly the same music, most of which is simply imported form CDs etc (although there's still a lot we have each other dosnt)

    So she has her library of about 25gb and I have mine of about 75gb, this seems a lot of wasted space as essentially we live in the same house and may as well have a singular music library

    So, I simply installed iTunes again and it put all the folders where it usually does and what I'm after is having the music part shared only.

    Figure this is best as her iphone back ups and my iPad & phone back ups need to be independent as do our apps, photos etc

    How can I do that? I just want her login on the PC to show just her apps, iBooks etc but show the shared music library. The same goes for me.

    When I tried just importing all her music last night to add to my library as a starting point (then share that) I was getting loads of conflicts as I had an 'Oasis' folder already there and when hers was about to import it was saying to replace, well I didn't want that either as mine has more oasis albums in it than hers (I assumed it'd do that for all folders so stopped)

    Problem 2:

    So, if I can figure out how to set up one music library source I then need to figure out how to make iTunes match work with that?

    From reading the info on Match it seems it works on the apple ID, we'll if we both have individual Id's how can I make it work unless she uses her phone on my ID?

    Bloody apple :)
  2. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    You can't mate . You can only sync to 1 iTunes libary . There is no way of sharing just music and not apps

    The only possibility is to have 1 libary And 1 ID that your both signed into

    iTunes match Makes a list of references online that you can get pushed to your device . You can have 5 devices since to 1 libary but only 1 libary to a single device

    It's all about the copy right laws to prevent exactly what your trying to do

    Eg takiNg your wife's apps and music that you don't have and putting them in your libary . You can authorise a new computer for your libary to work on but merging 2 accounts is a world of pain with the apps purchased on a different apple ID.

    Phone them up and ask if you can merge . They may donut as your a couple but them you will both have to be signed into the same ID which may cock up your mail and calendars
  3. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Auto text cocked a few words up there lol

    Do it ... Not ... Donut ha ha
  4. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Yes but that's the point, I'm not trying to share apps mate, nor anything else purchased from iTunes, just our own uploaded/ripped music.

    It's only the music part of the iTunes library that I want to share, Microsoft don't have a problem streaming music from one source when synced with a windows media library as long as its all in one place (the house we both live in) so why would apple?

    Do you have a number I can call mate as I can't even find the relevant one online without having to buy a support thingy..... :(
  5. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Apps, music , videos and books are parts of one hole library , cant split or share

    Uploaded content is fine to drag out and copy to a different library but your back to having 2 copes of every thing .

    Uk support number

    0844 209 0611

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