James Blunt sticks it to Chris Bryant.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remal, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Following on from James' roaring success on tittter 30 Reasons Why James Blunt Won At Twitter In 2013 | The Poke the poor bloke has rather copped it from socialist leftie arsewipe Chris Bryant.

    James has penned a rather eloquent response.

    I like James Blunt. Shows you how even people who are labeled Posh struggle. And how to many people open their mouths about things ( with recent events I'm thinking Religious acts of recent weeks) before they know all the facts.
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  2. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
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    May 24, 2013
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    I think he was too restrained, signs of a private education! :D
  3. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    HAHA don't you start.

    I have mates with a private background who just worked in IT. took it upon himself to take out loans from the bank for a lot to get this flying licence and no help from anyone and how is a pilot in Indonesia. not what everyone would want but his dream jobs.

    More info on this chap here

    Bush Flying Diaries, Indonesia

    and ended up doing a few episodes on here

    Worst Place to be a Pilot - Episode Guide - Channel 4

    Just gets me the UK are too much on trying to bitch about people who work hard and do well.

    I come from a normal background and went to a normal school like 95% of the rest of the uk. And always thought to treat others as you like to be treated and if you work hard you will do well

    One reason why I dislike the media so much as they do their best to talk crap half the time. Be that the papers or news on TV

    Sorry for the rambling
  4. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    "Just gets me the UK are too much on trying to bitch about people who work hard and do well."

    Very much a British disease, I'm afraid. Never quite worked out whether it's an evolution of the class system or a spin off of the inbuilt cynicism that helps keep us sane as a race. Either way, we either resent or mistrust success in others. This is, of course a generalization, and we all know they're all untrue, including this one...

    The 'cousins' have, traditionally had a much more healthy attitude towards 'bettering your lot', but alas, even they are drowning in a cesspit of paranoia now.

    Personally, I've always relished rolling up my feelings of jealous hatred into a cold, tight, bitter ball of bile to keep me fizzing through my dark days.

    I can't even do that any more...
  5. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I've heard this b*llocks my whole life. I'm a former boarding schooler and people often feel like it's OK to make swingeing criticisms about my supposedly privileged life.

    My parents weren't monied. I had 80% music scholarships to go to the schools I went to, without them there's no way they'd have been able to afford it, and was made to work bloody hard for them. To give you an example, for 5 years between the ages of 8 and 13, I used to leave school to head home for the Christmas holidays on the 28th of December. That's right. Christmas was spent at school because I had Cathedral services to sing for. So while my parents and my brother were at home having Christmas day, 9 year old me was getting out of my iron-framed bed onto a cold lino floor to get ready to open my presents with my school friends and then head off to the Cathedral to sing for the 1st of 4 services (the only day of the year we did 4 :rolleyes:).

    There are a million other reasons why private schools aren't the short-trousered version of Club Med that people often think they are but I'll give you another example. My Mum died while I was at boarding school. I was informed of her death by my Maths teacher. I sat with the Matron while waiting for someone to come and pick me up.

    In many ways it was like being in the Army at the age of 9.

    That's why I always thought that it was funny that people saw private school kids as being soft :D
  6. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Private and public schools are both more than capable of producing tw*ts, as is clearly demonstrated within Westminster Palace.

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