Last top gear on now

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by martinowen, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    last top gear is on now if anyone interested
  2. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Saw it in the guides. Wasn't sure if it was a repeat.
  3. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Just watched it,end of an era. New top gear will just be another politically correct motoring show.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I know people loved or hated the series.,I loved it and will miss the childish entices of jermery may and Hammond.

    Yes they will be back and hoping better than before.
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I know people loved or hated the series.,I loved it and will miss the childish entices of jermery may and Hammond.

    Yes they will be back and hoping better than before.
  6. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I'll miss them, I've watched it for years & they always gave me a giggle at some point....bit like naughty schoolboys, and i cant see that being replicated with the new guys! Although if they pick craig doyle the totty factor may take away a little of the pain :) Glad there was a caravan sketch in the final one...there's something about them sardine cans on wheels that make me laugh before owt even happens :D
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    I think everybody ended up taking it all too seriously. There were those who loved it and became evangelical about it being a righteous organ of common sense over political correctness and those that hated it believed that the over played bigotry and lack of consideration to all around him, marked Jeremy Clarkson as a sociopath that blights the nation.

    I got an email last night from a friend who was disgusted that they got away with damaging a dry stone wall... As if the BBC would have dared to broadcast it if the location hadn't been scouted and researched, the owner of said wall contacted, negotiated with and compensated for his loss beforehand. English heritage hadn't been queried just in case any of their ludicrous covenants wouldn't be transgressed. That the H&SE hadn't gone over the five seconds sequence with a fine toothed comb and covered the driver (possibly not even Hammond) with protective gear and pages of triplicate signed legal waivers. They probably even had to check with the wankers at the RSPB to see if it was alright to wake up any nearby birds...

    And that's the point. The haters all think that it's all just random mayhem rather than carefully scripted mischief. It never seems to occur to them that, despite the oft quoted £170 million pa revenue stream that it earns the BBC, they still wouldn't touch it with a barge pole if the antics and the comments weren't vetted months before transmission.

    And likewise, the muscle headed, burberry hatted, afterburner exhausted Evo drivers who made death threats to the man who was, let's face it, assaulted by a co-worker, presumably assume that it's perfectly feasible that an entire thirty man film crew, including local interpreters and security, would allow the talent to drive 300 miles through Burma in the wrong direction unnoticed...

    I have met Mr Clarkson and he does come over as a genuinely ignorant pig, but he's not stupid...

    To me, it was just a comedy magazine show with a recurring theme. It was never supposed to be a serious 'car show'. It was supposed to be the nearest any of us are likely to get to million dollar hyper cars being abused to failure. I watched it because of this. I have no interest in the lifetime warranty limitations on some South Korean blandmobile, or the tax offset benefits of a rainbow powered invalid carriage. I just wanted to see if a Bentley Continental could actually off road.

    Suspension of disbelief wore out a long time ago for me, but it never stopped me being entertained by it. Well, mostly...

    It's not as if the BBC is not willing to insult the intelligence of its viewing public with its magazine shows. The truly and consistently execrable The One Show, for example. Treacle flavoured snot faced, ever grinning presenters monotonously filling three hours per week of airtime with ten minutes of content. Constantly talking over their guests, soiling themselves that one of them might say "fuck" (NSFW (used here for illustrative purposes only)) at a quarter past seven in the evening, and all anchored on a Friday by Chris Evans... A man for whom I would vote in a law that made the drowning of gingers at birth mandatory. And I am ginger. A man who I would not cross the road to piss on if he was on fire. A man whose arrogant disdain for his guests makes Clarkson look like Lorraine Kelly by comparison.

    And where will the ginger whinger be popping up next...?
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  8. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I watched or, or rather I started to watch it last night but ended up with the TV on but paying more attention to the Internet. Without the rest of the show to wrap around them the features were somewhat bland, and to be honest nothing we hadn't seen before.

    As much as I will miss the programme I think that it had probably ran it's course. Maybe the "new" Top Gear will be interesting but having the GT on it won't help endear it to me.
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