Would have loved to, but had family over today and out for a meal tonight. Might be able to do next Sunday?
Well I'm on nights now till 6am so all going well and I get some sleep tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon could work!
You can join us from buryhill mate if you got whole day off on sunday? If not drop me a text when you're done as might be in the area again by the afternoon
Working Sunday too but can be free by around 3pm again, where is burryhill? (Sense of direction like a girl lol)
Sadly neither Saturday nor Sunday this weekend are any good for me. If anyone fancies a rideout of an evening during the week however.....
I am not going to be able to do the Friday I don't think, but if you want a blast down to Loomies on Thursday (evening?) then I'm up for it.
Not far from Littlehampton. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=bury+hill,+west+sussex&hl=en&ll=50.908229,-0.566483&spn=0.257619,0.793076&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=7.900015,25.378418&hnear=Bury+Hill&t=m&z=11