Heading to Europe soon...6 Day trip.. I have a rentec luggage carrier at the rear..what shall I get to pop on top of it..? Also any decent bags anyone recommends for the rear seat? Not sure if I should travel with a rucksack? Thanks
Had a renntec on my last 3 bikes for European breaks, you'll be amazed how much you can bungee on them, wouldn't be bothered with a rucksack or tank bag, just strap everything onto the renntec & enjoy, where you off to? P/S I always use Oxford
I was thinking about one of the hard cases for the rack..? As then that can just stay on the bike and I don't have to worry about taking the bag off...only empty the box?
I know 2 people who have fitted top boxes to Renntec racks and the rack has cracked. They are not designed to carry that sort of weight (seem to remember there is a sticker on them saying the max weight limit). I use Ventura luggage but its not cheap.
There ya go £13 Quid + 3.50 for bungees Don't travel with a rucksack if you can avoid it especially if you are going far.
Couldn't recommend the Oxford 1st Timer Panniers more .. fit super dooper ..on 08 and up .. might not be good with an underseat exhaust ..
I use an overboard rucksack strapped on to the seat, would be more room to move around if you have a rack. The rucksacks are 100% waterproof and mine has taken 4 years worth of abuse without failing or leaking.
I use the oxford 36 litre expandable tail pack and I'm riding all round the country every week, rain or shine.... I pin it down with a cargo net and i can stuff more things around it in bags if need be but i find i can easily carry everything i need for a week away, including laptop etc with just that and a smallish rucksack !