Marquez to KTM?

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by PauloHRC, Jun 27, 2023.


Marquez to KTM?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    So if the rumours are true......and its been written about in the press...... could Marc Marquez move to KTM if not in 2024, then 2025??

    Apparently KTM will approach Dorna to enable them to run another pair of factory bikes which will accommodate Pedro Acosta who is set to move up to Moto Gp as KTM would not want to lose him to one of the other factories, but would also open up a slot for the unhappy Marquez!!

    Could KTM buy him out of his contract, could Marquez by himself out of his contract? Red bull might even step to make it happen!!

    Would you like to see Marquez on a KTM?

    I personally would love to see this happen, a change would be good for all parties involved, especially the fans!!!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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