My petition

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by djfleming22, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    To the members on this site

    i am trying to to go out of my way to help us bikers get better roads througout the UK emailing and getting in touch with all the forums around the UK but to my suprise many of the members have been visiting and not signingand cannot even be bothered to try and help the cause ....i have set up the petition all the lookers had to do was spend 2 minutes of your time

    I am sorry if you all feel its a bit harsh but there has been more than 54 lookers and 7 voters what a f***** joke, i hope you never need any help yourselves ......god maybe i should move to France and alike they seem to have a better outlook for bikers

    No wonder this government pisses all over us

    Thankyou to all who have put in you votes a goes to show a lot of you care
  2. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Im shocked mate, I thought everyone would have signed , Like you said " 2 minutes of your time "
  3. Jamiestrada

    Jamiestrada JamieMultiTraitor

    May 12, 2011
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    +1 , especially on such an important issue
  4. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Maybe everyone doesn't agree with the way you think?
    I have to say I don't like the tone of your post at all, so won't be signing, although I didn't even know anything about your petition until I read this post anyway!
  5. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Its about bikers and road safety aren't we all bikers (Get it signed!)
  6. bluekontakt2004

    bluekontakt2004 Active Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    The fact is you havn't explained your case, All you have said is stop ussing this method.

    For the petition to work you need to state facts and tell them why they should stop surface dressing, Not just say stop surface dressing.
  7. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    Hi JM1 as you have said you dont like my tone and you will not be signing petition and it is your choice but in respect it was put on about people who had viewed the petition and had not signed ..... at the end of the day if you dont want to sign because you dont think its a good cause then thats your choice but if your not sign because you dont like my tone then that is quite sad ....but again your choice
  8. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    I do not know if you have ever driven on a road were this has been laid ..... i know i have and its was not pleasant for me or my friends and other people also feel the same

    i would like thank all the people that have voted and hopefully all your votes will count towards change
  9. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I hope it at least make them put better warnings up . They do it alot in my area as its all country roads and most are in a bad way.. I hate it, You come quick around a bend and there is a tiny red triangle which by the time you realise what it is you are already on the loose stuff. Iv come close to skidding on it a few times and if you don't slam on hard and roll over the stuff then it all flicks up of your tyres and chips the crap out of your paint work
  10. masher66

    masher66 Active Member

    May 15, 2011
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    Dressing is a way for the govt to maintain our roads, to make them safer by ensuring better surface grip, wear and initial surface drainage in wet conditions. If we were to just sign up with no explanation, no facts or data behind what the alternatives are, how these alternatives should be funded - what the impact is to the tax payer and whether or not there is evidence to show that an alternative will live on our increasingly more congested roads then, in my opinion, we just show that we have a personal and emotional issue and those issues don't fly.

    Personally I dont like the stuff - I've come across lots of times over the years, had near misses, been 'pebble dashed' by passing cars, but vote for change to what exactly ??
  11. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    What did we use before dressing it was Tarmac, these petitions dont not allow you to put down what you want to change it too or why it only asks what you want to change in as fewer words as it allows this is so they MPs dont just discuss any old crap you have to have a good number of votes before you are allowed to show proof of what you are talking about first..... its called and MPs democratic society

    Your last sentence also explained why we should get rid of it.... its also up to the so called experts to decided what to do next
    #11 djfleming22, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011
  12. masher66

    masher66 Active Member

    May 15, 2011
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    Dj, I'm 46, so long as I can remember surface dressing has been used on old fella used to race in the IOM in the late sixties and into the eighties - he talks about them dressing the roads every year just before the TT. It's been around for years mate - so come on, take away the 'we don't like it' argument and what have you got ? And do you have an MP in support of a review of this issue, if so who is it, what are their ideas on just what the solution(s) could be - what's the argument for change that will cost the every taxpayer millions ?
    Please take away the positioning of 'don't like' so far as the local and national govt is concerned if that's the only argument your petition is going nowhere - I'll gladly sign when I can see substance behind your position.

  13. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    You may have got the wrong end of the stick.... i am asking if you would like to petition againest the use of surface dressing on the road if you dont disagree then dont sign quite simple

    I dont want to get into an argument because we should be using this strengths to put up for better conditions for bikers.

    All i can say how many MPs were behind us when MCN went to Wales complaining about bikers getting stopped all the time

    How many MPs were behind the French when they did not want to wear Yellow bibs .....none

    You show enough support you get more backing
    #13 djfleming22, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011

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