Optimate is showing weak, bike still starts ok but guess the battery not as good as it was, it's 4 year old non abs model, What's best battery to replace it with? Anyone used motobatt ones?
Yep motobatt are very good and can throughly recommend, although I'm running a very nice shorai lithium now which is even nicer but more expensive
Yep motobatt are very good and can throughly recommend, although I'm running a very nice shorai lithium now which is even nicer but more expensive
Did a few checks today, turned off optimate and showing 11.8v, Cranked the starter and dropped to 9.6v bike still started ok though, guess reading less than should?? Is this likely to last the year ???
If you crank it for a few seconds without starting you'll see that kind of drop. The battery is very small. If I had any doubts in my batteries ability to start the bike I would change it. You don't wanna be the guy trying to bump his bike amongst a crowd of on lookers you'll look a right silly !