Took this in px against the SD. Looks nice but can’t insure until tomorrow so will let you know what’s it like. Riding it around the car park the throttle connection already feels a lot better so fingers crossed.
I’m slowly swapping all the bikes to aprilia so I have no choice but to learn where the indicators are and to stop hitting the horn.
Put sixty miles on it today and it’s way way better than the superduke that it’s replaced. What a brilliant bike. Mind you, I say that about every new bike. Time will tell but at the moment there’s nothing I’d change about it.
Fuckin honda drivers. Glad you're ok its only metal Worth a trip to the back crackers Tuesday, don't want anything festering.
Cheers all. Shit happens and am completely unhurt. I have other bikes. The damage doesn't look too bad but it'll get written off if the chassis is damaged. Either way I'll fix it, or get the money and get another. Excellent bike and not put off riding in the slightest.
Just found out it's being written off due to it being uneconomical to repair. Swing arm is bent as is the rear subframe and a load of other stuff. Reached the point of financial no return before ensuring the engine and frame are ok so I won't be buying it to repair. C'est la vie.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Such a nice bike too. Glad you were able to walk away from this one. Shameless I know, but would you be willing to sell the rear seat cowl?? if it's written off that is. Mine flew off at the start of the year as I forgot to click it back on properly lol. Been running the pillion seat in place of it.