Next one coming up and really good fun at a cost of only £120 for whole weekend or £70 for one day you can't go wrong, all money going to charity. Booking starts on 18th May to this email address [email protected] but you'd better get in fast because groups soon fill up. I've just done last one and had a fantastic time, still buzzing now
hi ritchie, where are these held? is it the same format as someone like no limits as in 3 groups , novice, inters and fast?
Run by volunteers and three groups but must say the novice is a novice novice group. Had a guy there in that group on an old BMW K1200. Lots of fun and very friendly crowd.Course is setup round airfield on runways and taxi ways,very grippy.
I was there on the Saturday for the 1st time. It was very well run and very friendly. Had a great time and will definitely go back.
Latest update from Mark Mostyn organising the track weekend. Inters Saturday has 6 places left and Sunday has 3 places left. Both days Novice and Fast have approx 15 places left per group per day. ... Still lots of room - CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES AND ANY CHANGES TO GUEST NAMES IS 22 JUNE - NO EXCEPTIONS!