Greetings from switzerland, Does anyone knows if it is possible to desactivate the permanant light (yellow) on the front part of the mirror on a fireblade sc77 ? I want to keep the turn signal usable aswell. Also, i change my rear turn signal, but now the blinking is way to fast... I try to put resistance but the problem persists... I hope there is a solution for my problems. Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for my english (Tried my best with my low knowledge and google trad )
Welcome to the site! This fixes the turn signal flasher rate: As for removing the running light from the mirror, there are 3 wires on that harness, if you clip the one that controls the running light, it will not illuminate and it will not effect the turn indicator. Not sure which color that wire is, but I am sure someone here can help!
Hello and welcome. R&G sell the in line resistor for LED indicators - that's what I used . Following on from @Spygoat message above, are you able to pop open the cover on the back of the mirror and use a multimeter to identify the cable on the running light
Thanks for the responses, I will buy this relay I opened the mirror support and there is only 2 wires... If i disconnect one or the other, it just shut down the turn signal and the running light
There is no turn signal relay on the SC77 as there is on previous models. it is a module that has CAN bus wires to it if i remember from looking at wiring diagram so not as straight forward as normal wiring.....
hi just googling this issue to try and turn my running lights off, did you ever manage to sort this? im wondering if I can get mirror casing apart I can take a look in there to disconnect a wire possibly!