Hi all, Does anyone know where I can source no-cut fairing crash knobs? Hoping to find the type that sits in the open middle section fairing for a 08 blade. Cheers
We have these and a variety of others in UK. Shipping might be expensive for you though. A Google search might throw up some local distributors for you.
My recommendation: Forget about the "No Cut" crash knobs. Make a hole in the fairing and place proper crash knobs in the proper location, or don't use them at all.
Hope these help: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fairing-...00RR-Fireblade-2008-11-C7503949-/281846159412 https://www.bikehps.com/acatalog/Honda_CBR1000RR_Fireblade_2008-2011_Crash_Protectors.html https://www.amazon.com/T-Rex-Racing-2008-CBR1000RR-Sliders/dp/B00OBWM99S
Only problem with no cuts is the risk of the mounting bracket getting bent when u drop it and you can’t remove the mounting bolt to change the bracket. It’s a risk you don’t get with the cut type. Buuuuut.... depends how often you intend to drop your bike m8. There are also c9lour coded and bike branded no cuts available on AliExpress.com which probs ship to oz. hope this helps.
Thanks for the link nigelrb, much appreciated. Fwsock, I'll have a browse on Aliexpress and see if I can find anything to my liking.