NW Massive of three, go to Whitehaven and Keswick

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by Kevin1, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    There was a bit of doubt as to where we should go once we'd met up at the petrol station near to where I live. The weather wasn't looking great for us fair weather bikers. Ray had set off from Blackpool and David from somewhere twixt Bolton of Blackburn, so Dave had already had a bit of a run out already. About 55 miles, mind you I normally have to do about 70 miles to the rendezvous point when we have gone to Aberystwyth on a run in the past.
    We decided that we'd risk going to Whitehaven and return via Buttermere and Keswick and then head over to Penrith and then finally back to civilisation heading south, down the A6 to Kendal, Milnthorpe (for me) and beyond for Ray and David. If the weather got worse we could always head in a different direction and chase the dryer line.
    But we steered the original course and we were at Whitehaven without much ado. The weather got slightly better and then slightly worse, then slightly better, well you get the idea.
    The usual cafe was shut so we had to ride round the front of the harbour to the other cafe where we were told we'd have a 30 minute wait just for a bacon sarnie, we weren't fussed about the wait so ordered them anyway. A bit of confusion when the drinks came out but that as soon rectified. Eventually the bacon butties arrived and very nice they were too. I'd sooner wait and have something decent and prepared properly than given something in a hurry that's not fit to give to a dog. Snap tome over and we were off again. A quick stop for a brace of thirsty Fireblades and one them Speed Triple thingys, and we were off to Keswick via the very scenic route of Crummock Water, Buttermere and Derwent. This route is great for scenery but if you are ever in a hurry don't bother. Eventually the blue Ford Fiesta got the hint after 5 miles of having my headlight shining in his mirror and moved over to let us pass. To be fair he wasn't going that slow but it is very narrow in parts this road, and opposing vehicles do have trouble passing each other in parts. What ever you do don't get stuck behind a service bus (I have in the past), they are impossible to pass in a car and very difficult to pass on a bike, you have been warned. Still the scenery makes up for it.
    With Derwent Water getting smaller in the rear view mirror it was time to find a Cafe, Ray had heard about called The Filling Station Cafe. A bit of a TT diner, quite nice and reasonably priced. We opted to sit outside again and continued to do so when the heavens opened and down came the rain. To start with it was just spitting but eventually turned to pissing it down. As we didn't have any waterproofs (David had leggings) we just had to sit it out. Thirty minutes later we were off again. Roads were still quite wet but rain had all but stopped. It was a quick dash across the A66 to Penrith then down the A6 as predicted to Kendal and Milnthorpe, I decided I'd carry on a bit past Milnthorpe but David and Ray decided to stop at the Petrol station again so I had to turn back to see what was going on. Just as I got back David was just leaving it was 17:45 and he was supposed to be home by 18:30 as they were going out. OOPs, never mind.
    I carried onto Lancaster with Ray then left him, for me to return via Caton, Kirkby Lonsdale and Devils Bridge and eventually home. Round trip of 205 miles, got a bit damp but not rained on properly whilst riding the bike. Mind you I needed a bit of wet weather riding practice.
    Waiting to meet the others
    [​IMG]DSC08443 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    plus one
    [​IMG]DSC08444 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    plus two
    [​IMG]DSC08445 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Three bikes and a lifeboat
    [​IMG]DSC08448 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    nice boat on the right
    [​IMG]DSC08449 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    David left, Ray (Manfred) right
    [​IMG]DSC08450 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08451 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08452 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    The Filling Station Cafe, Keswick
    [​IMG]DSC08453 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08455 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08456 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08457 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Sticky Orange and Chocolate cake £2.50 and a Latte. both very nice
    [​IMG]DSC08458 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Waterproofs time
    [​IMG]DSC08459 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    home for me part 1
    [​IMG]DSC08460 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Devils Bridge
    [​IMG]DSC08462 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Just before heading home part 2
    [​IMG]DSC08464 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DSC08465 by Kevin Rushforth, on Flickr

    Hope it makes sense until next time...
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  2. Manfred

    Manfred Active Member

    May 14, 2015
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    Nice one Kevin. A great day despite the weather.
  3. Cbrjay

    Cbrjay Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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    Nice one lads, them black blades are getting common lol
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