Oil sump corrosion on my 07 blade

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by bikerwino, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. bikerwino

    bikerwino New Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    image.jpg Hi everyone. Just had a nasty surprise today when cleaning my RR7. Got the bike a couple of months ago and was very happy with it but when cleaning it today I noticed a bit of corrosion on the oil sump? Mainly around the oil drain bolt and a few of the other bolts holding it on to the engine. Not just a bit of light surface corrosion either. You can see it's starting to eat away at the sump. Proper pissed as the rest of the bike is in really good nick.

    Done a bit of internet research and looks like this could be because the sump is magnesium and reacts with the bolts. I will try and get some pics on here tomorrow but was wondering if any one else has had this problem? Bit worried how bad the corrosion will get and how fast it will eat the sump away? Don't want to panic and go changing it if it will be good for a few more years.

    Bike has done 14k and is real tidy apart from this. Wouldn't have thought corrosion would get to it already with Hondas build quality.

    Any one else had this problem? Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  2. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Its a common problem, even on brand new bikes! It's as you have read and is an issue with the metals used, there is no cure other than keep an eye on it, there were some revised sumps at one point and they were easy to spot as they were red, don't know much about them other than they were supposed to be a prototype revised sump from Honda, I think some were replaced under warrantee but don't think Honda ever admitted to the problem so it was never a recall.

    I should add, I'd not panic about it, enjoy the bike just keep a eye on it each oil change, I do loads and have not seen one go through yet, also sumps are ten to a penny so not a big deal, but yeah, I know why you'd be upset.

    edit: also one more thing, that part of the casting (just by the steel retainer) was never flat from new and looks like it has been eaten, some of that is nothing to do with what you read!
    #2 arthurbikemad, Mar 1, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
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  3. racman

    racman Active Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Ayup chap, i had heard of this prob before i bought my rr6. Got the dealer to check before i bought and was100% in good nick and corrosion free. Had the bike 15 months now and constantly check this. All is still corrosion free. So i presume it only occurred to a random few. Dont recall anyone on here mentioning it
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  4. Bloy182

    Bloy182 Active Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Get some pics up, probably surface corrosion, nothing to worry about,
  5. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Clean it up and just Wank a load of ACF50 over it and all will be well! :cool:
  6. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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  7. Hudson

    Hudson Active Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Never heard of this before...... just as an aside, given the Honda CB1000R uses the RR7 engine, should this be something i need to be looking for given i am looking to buy a 10 plated CB ???
  8. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Well if you ask me, given the numbers made and known failures I'd say no.

    Like all things nowadays, you only ever hear of the bad and that gets blown out of all proportion online, however it would be wise to fully check all new bikes your buying, not that I know of any real issues with the CB1 or the CBR.
  9. megawatt

    megawatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Heard of a guy finding a puddle of oil under his engine one day. Had to trailer the bike home and got no joy off Honda. Main thing is to wash off any salt as soon as possible, but it may be electrolytic corrosion caused by dissimilar metals. There may be a fix, possibly replace the sumplug and retainer with plastic or magnesium. Just keep it clean and check regularly!!!
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  10. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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  11. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    I heard of this problem when had my rr6 mine was fine but I brought a brand new sump and chucked it in the garage 3 years and around 12k miles I change I wouldn't worry about it just enjoy your bike
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  12. kev.b

    kev.b Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Just check your sump now an again an keep it clean with WD40 thats what I do on my 06 blade .
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  13. Haggler ®™

    Haggler ®™ Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Look what I've got


    Red modded sump!

    And..............................it's not a cure guys!. Still signs of corrosion around the retaining plat sump plug.

    When I had the ehgine in bits I repainted the sump black with LOADS of paint in that area.
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  14. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    This was a campaign a few years ago to get Honda to step up to the plate a deal with it, but like the current ABS situation, they buried their heads and let owners carry the cost.

    The issue was simply caused by using the wrong sump plug washer, and galvanic corrosion set in, it eventually led to a number of sumps leaking and having to be replaced, mag sump, steel bolt and mismatched washer was a perfect recipe for corrosion.

    Most dealers had no idea about the sump plug washer and were happily throwing any right sized washer on, but like Honda washed their hands of the problem.

    Mine was in a complete s**te state and was nearing replacement when it got nicked, I have always hoped it might leak out onto the rear tyre and kill the scrote that nicked it, wishful thinking, but you never know.
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  15. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    That's them Haggler!
  16. bikerwino

    bikerwino New Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Sorry but not had a chance to get any pics today. Would have to take the lower fairings off to get some decent photos and according to the other half I have other more important stuff to do :) will try later in the week. Looks like keeping an eye on it is the best option for now but I there's a couple on the auction site I might have a go at so I have a spare ready if the sump does go bad real quick.

    Bit annoyed that a company with the reputation of Honda almost certainly know about this and did nothing. The whole point of me buying the blade was because I wanted a bike I knew would last if looked after. Lesson learned.

    Still an awesome bike so I'm sure I'll get over it. Probably about the same time as summer arrives :)

    Cheers everyone.
  17. Blasterbee

    Blasterbee New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Heard that the problem was incorrect sump bolt or washer causing galvanic corrosion and incorrect torque used, do a search for John Hensman (Honda Guru) mentioned this on a forum (cannot remember which one though)

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