Ooops I fell Off - 2014

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Barstewardsquad, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Thought we should have a thread to track all the offs we had this year, be they on road or track. Just put a few details about how, why, damage, injuries, costs etc.

    So me first.

    Low side at Blyton Park July 18th , not 100% sure why but think too much throttle carried into the bend. I came out unscathed but smashed the nose cone, bent gear selector and link rod. Trashed a crash bung, paddock stand bobbin and rear axle protector, scraped all LHS fairings and engine cover protector. So far about £650 and yet to replace engine protector.
  2. scooby

    scooby Elite Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    Valencia-may. got hit from behind,usuall peg/clip on damage,boot and a sore foot.

    donnington yesterday,small highside after touching a wet kerb (still annoyed with myself).damage-pride,clip on,bullet slider,peg, fairings looking a bit tired.very sore shoulder,elbow+ribs.

    all this equates to me looking like a riding god in the briefing due to my rather scuffed up leathers :)
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  3. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Oulton 29th July 2014!

    High speed 110mph low side at Island bend, resulting in a rolled/flipped bike needing new fairings, Tank, Clip on, steering damper, Rear Subframe, Exhaust Can, GB Racing Alternator cover, crash bungs, Instruments cover, Bonamici RHS Rearset, Lever protectors, RHS Lever Kill Switch instrument assembly etc etc

    Leathers need about £200 of work, Shoei X-Spirit 11 Helmet shagged as well! :rolleyes:

    Bout £2-2.5K all in!

    Oh, and 4 broken Ribs plus various friction burns to boot!

    Can't wait to get back on it!

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  4. Julian

    Julian Active Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Not so much falling off, but my KTM gave up the ghost on the way home from work on a sunny mid July afternoon, an oil pump had failed resulting in Piston seizure, scored barrel and a huge amount of labour costs :mad:
  5. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Cadwell start of the year on a particularly windy day. Came through the gooseneck and ended up going wide and down the hill. Left the track at about 80mph and kept it upright all the way to the bottom of the hill. Pulled the brake and went over the handlebars. Only damage was a nice knee shaped gap through my screen, bruised knee.

    Second was at anglesey going round peel, my exhaust and fairing kept on dragging and in the end just lifted the back wheel off enough for me to low side. Damage was a clip on, peg and lever.

    Stay tuned.. :)
  6. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    2 for me.... So far!

    Donny - last lap heroics, failed... Determined to gain one last place, thoughts id out braked him into hairpin and washed out. Crushed exhaust, snapped brake guard, clip on, fairing damage, laughed at by mates watching....

    Cadwell - come together with bike on park corner, my fault, ran on wet grass went down, bashed fairings and snapped throttle tubes, patched up and went out no extra cost. Was very lucky but bike looks fcuked - again!
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  7. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    1 for me comical off run to quick into rocket at Anglesey not a problem off the brakes rolled across grass to other side looking for gap hit a pot hole over handle bars ... Chap on s1000 said that might slow you down I think I passed him a bit closer next session ✊
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  8. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Had a recent trip into the Armco ,cant say much more at the moment ,Big Colin now has the machine for a track bike project and a thread is forthcoming;)[​IMG][/URL][/IMG][​IMG][/URL][/IMG][​IMG][/URL][/IMG][​IMG][/URL][/IMG]

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