Are you planning or rather is it still permitted to stay over night at the circuit for the following day? Be a good one for me to consider as I'd only be returning to to the one on the 1st of July anyway. 'Can't do all three' and will cut down on my traveling time.
Will definitely be on this, hopefully in warm sunshine Jay don't forget to check you steering damper for me
had to cancel this as I don't have (well I do but sold it,so don't want to risk it..),but will be coming down at some point to have a blast on my m8's R1M
Funnily enough there was an R1M at Darley Moor today. Not being pushed too hard as I pissed passed him all day on every session!
Air Ambulance got called out today after a Guy in our Garage went wide at Cascades and low sided on the marbles. Face planted him self in the gravel trap and was out Cold for quite a while, stopped play for 45 mins while we waited for the Helicopter! Got out later and me n Mat had a play for a bit then bailed!