Oulton Park, No Limits Tuesday 10/06/14 Well that's it. I've stuck my name down for the Novice Group at Oulton on Tuesday the 10th June with a couple of the lads I know. I'm still thinking of going sooner though just to find out what the script is. Is anyone at Oulton sooner? If so I'll pop down for a looks see! Just had a look and there is No Limits Track Day on Wednesday 23rd April so I'm going to head down to take a look. Will anyone be there from the forum?
I will answer your question here Ray as apposed to the other thread. It was a fantastic day and i loved it although imo there is one serious and i mean serious draw back Ray and i don't know if this has only affected me or whether all are affected. That is the feeling of disappointment every time i get the bike out to ride on the roads, even riding home from Oulton felt dull, i mean where could i possibly take my bike now on the road and ride in the same manor??? Today i went out to test the Quickshifter and 3 times someone not paying attention in their car nearly knocked me off, thankfully i was slow riding and paying attention.... Im giving serious thought to selling up and buying a track bike...... As far as i know and if there are spaces you can turn up on the day and pay for a half day session but one of the other regulars will know more mate and will no doubt chime in... If the weather is good i will be there on the 23rd....
Matt if that's how your feeling why not consider getting a trackbike and put a daytime mot on it my blade is road legal for daytime use stick a number plate on and its legal even though I don't feel to safe on it with no brake light . How they can think a horn is more important than a brake light I don't don't but that's the law horn and numberplate and your legal even my Racetecs are road legal .
Yeah, just Track the Blade Matt! You'll not be happy with a lesser bike on track now ya used to a modern Litre engine. Crashing a cheaper Track bike will cost just as much to a degree (road fairings aside) so just go for it!
Thats what im considering Jase, been thinking about it since you mentioned it on Wednesday...... Or you could just lease me yours
Love to mate, but I have to be a responsible person and take in to account how much quicker the ZX10 is over a Blade!
Cheers Matt. Its just on my to-do list as never ever ridden on track in 33 years of riding but thanks for the heads up. I'll keep you posed on how it pans out!
On Wednesday Andy? I'll keep an eye out for you, should get down about 1100 with my mte on his 750 Gixer
Had a binding morning Track side! Heres a couple of Videos I took and will post the three CBR1000's up later but no 1000RR Forum members to see. Must have been me being thick! Great way to spend St Georges Day!
Had a binding morning Track side! Heres a couple of Videos I took and will post the three CBR1000's up later but no 1000RR Forum members to see. Must have been me being thick! Great way to spend St Georges Day!