Screen Angel. Refitted standard exhaust in an effort to cure my throttle woes. So, if a picture paints a thousand words, here's quite a few thousand words.
part 2 Please Note - Important this bit. On my servo pics the push pull connections are the other way around. The cable fitted with the adjuster is installed to the inside of the bike NOT to the outside as shown. If you install it like I did you'll have to dismantle it again like I had to do. I learned the error of my ways by looking at Fowlers online parts book.
A few pics of the lower fairing clips. It wasn't difficult to remove the lower fairing really, just watch that back clip. It's a bit of a pain. I used the camera on the phone to get a better understanding of how it clips together. image 1435. You have to be a bit brutal sometimes with the clips because they are a bit reluctant to slide. Honda dealer has advised to leave servo unconnected and they will set it up. TBH I'd rather do it myself but I don't have any info on it. Dealer says if you do it wrong it strips the plastic gears in the servo and ends up costing £300+. The Yoshi was fitted by the dealer but they didn't fit a servo eliminator so they must do something with the software to stop any warning lights coming on. I also fitted R&G casing covers. Easy enough but I really must buy a torque wrench. I fitted the Speedo Angel dash protector because I scratched the screen on my previous 'Blade. They only cost about a tenner for two and much easier to fit when the screen is off. Windscreen is also easy enough to fit, just remember you do have to remove the mirrors to get the free play in the screen to allow it fairing enough flex to get the locating holes out. Point to note: The Puig screen doesn't have any locating holes but it seems secure enough. So I've gone from doing virtually bugger all to my previous 'blade, to becoming an expert. lol. Although, I did, out of necessity, replace one of the bearings in the lower shock assembly on my previous bike. That's all folks
Kevin, did you ever weigh the standard can? I'm interested in the comparison. I think you'll be pleased with the standard, especially when it opens up over 3,500 revs. Both @Wozza and I are a rap for them! And they're not as ugly as some other unmentionable standard cans!!
Standard exhaust weight 3.412kg
I'm with you N after 3.5k revs and around 8k revs and above it really has a great sound also as the engine loosens up at around 1500miles it has a nice tick over....
Did you fit the Puig tank pad as well @Kevin1 ?? I've ordered one as Well, was looking for a nice clear one and spotted you'd got one. Like the screen too, you've gained an extra inch there......who wouldn't want that?? I'm definitely not changing the standard can on mine, 1.... I like the look of it and have heard good things about it. And 2....i really can't be doing with it running shite, especially with all the throttle problems I've been hearing about!!
@Kevin1 , can you post a pic of the clear tank pad when fitted - when you have time of course. Been wondering about those but would like to see first. Cheers
I've got a puig same shape on my bike, makes a fair difference in comfort at speed I'll give it that. I think they look awesome too
I didn't even know you could get clear tank pads until I saw it on the Puig website. I'll be mounting mine quite low on the tank, after all that's where the zips are that do the damage. I had throttle issues before the Yoshimura. I'm told the Yoshimura sounds amazing. I'm not sure when I'm going to do the tank pad. It's a bit cold at the moment and I don't fancy using the hair dryer technique. I'm not sure when I'll get to try the screen out, but I can't wait.
You'll probably need to put the tank pad higher... Dont want any damage to the tank from the old Sam Browne belt buckle ...I assume you DO wear yours!
No I'm half way through fitting my Eazi-Grips tank grippers. Thought I'd put the other side on tonight then I can use the edge of each grip as a guide so I can get the tank pad dead centre!! Finish it tonight There are some eagle eyed critics who will pull you up if they notice anything over a 1mm out of line!
All done......I think it looks pretty good, had to keep it low so it fits in well with the Eazi-Grips. Quite happy with it but clear really does show up imperfections that we don't realise are there with solid coloured tank pads. The fact you can barely see it though is a result as far as I'm concerned!
May be the lighting causing shadows but the RHS look to be lifting a bit. Bit of heat should solve it.