Putting the blade to bed for winter

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Remal, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    So been thinking about this the last week. I don't want to but won't be using the blade in the cold crap weather. Biking is my hobby not my commuter.

    Anyone else thinking about this?
  2. fireblader28

    fireblader28 Active Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Mine went away a month ago! After 3 weeks of riding to work in the rain i bought a car, then we had the awesome heatwave! The blade was already stripped ready for a respray and i couldnt be arsed to chuck my spare bodywork on for just a quick blast.
    I'm eyeing up either a CRF450 or a WR450 for the winter, something road legal to mess about on until March. No shame in it, i've done 12 years of winter riding, last years winter was horrible and i just cant do it again!
  3. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Mine will be going to bed the day they start laying the salt . We may still get some odd sunny days yet and i havnt put 3000 miles on my bike this summer .

    Not that she needs it but i will take of all fairing , Clean , lube , WD40 and polish the lot . Im going to leave the fairing off so that i can grease all bearings ready for the new season and I'm planning a few mods over the winter so it will be easier if they stay off

    Thinking carbon air ducts , either dyno jet secondary fuel module + quick shifter or the Bazzaz system .... Not sure yet
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  4. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I don't use mine as much as you guys do but until the roads get covered in salt I'll keep dragging it out once or twice a week if it's dry. In ever really lay it up for winter. Come February I'll be getting cabin fever and watching out for a good weather day.
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  5. blade1980

    blade1980 Active Member

    Apr 2, 2011
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    Its getting that time of year isn't it, hope to get a few more days out on it tho, then it will be hooked up to the optimate left on front and rear paddock stands, and covered in sheets and proper cover to keep her warm over winter
  6. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    Yeah battery is out and the panels are coming off to get a good clean, polish and wax and then give the bike a good spray of ACF50 put in the corner and dont open till after Christmas.... bugger i hate this time of year
  7. fireblader28

    fireblader28 Active Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    This time of year is what you make of it! Use the time off to make the bike better for next year! Hunt ebay for bargains and research mods you can do at home to make it lighter/faster/nicer. Buy a carbon fibre materials and make your own carbon stuff on the dining room table!!!!
  8. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Yep not used mine since me scotland trip and its away now minted done a few little mods next its forks away to maxton then wait till march ISH next year :)
  9. broos3

    broos3 Active Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Looks like mine will be tucked up for winter now aswell, unless we get a freak nice day up here in bonny Scotland.

    I also will be taking fairings off and cleaning lubing etc and afew small mods like airfilter, Brembo MC, flapper and exhaust mod.

    I have just today received my new "BikeBubble" made by carcoon, keeps out all the moisture from the garage. Yes I know Im a buffty but its kept well ridden hard, those are my rules.

    Might see if i can pick up a nice 600 for winter use off eBay cheap in the next few weeks.
  10. Mel

    Mel Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    mine will go away in about a months time, maybe a couple of weeks if it gets cold, sits nice and warm under a cover on the charger. Like you, its my hobby, and i dont enjoy getting cold, or wet, or salt on the bike :)
  11. Villan

    Villan Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Mine will be laid ip soon, it's a real gutter, but I ride for enjoyment and winter riding sucks
  12. mal

    mal Active Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    i'm out on mine all year round,i dont set off if its pissing down, i put 30,000 miles on my last bike.in 28 months, i get cabin fever if i cant get out on the bike,riding all year round ,in all conditions,can only add to your riding capabilities, why do you put the bike to bed ??? for months at a time,
  13. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    As long as it's dry and there's no salt down I keep using mine. Can't beat a blast on a bright winters day after you've been off the bike for weeks. I don't go far and you can't lean if over like you can in the warm but you've still got the acceleration rush. Blows away the cobwebs.
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  14. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    I think I'll put mines away in the next couple of week. Weathers been crap up here for the last couple weeks. That and I've got a couple of things to fit to the bike that I'm gagging to get done anyway. I'd love to ride all year round but I couldn't do that to my pride n joy n can't afford another bike for the moment.
  15. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    The biggest problem is that living in Scotland were the weather is always quite cold compared to the temps down south when it gets to this time of year....look at it just now were trying to hit 11c and your about 16c upwards big difference if the winds blowing about 30 mph in your face...me and the partner generally go away up north maybe to Skye or Oban now this time of year it might be trying to get to about 5c so yes a bit cold not just for me but the bike as well
  16. Villan

    Villan Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Show me someone who likes riding in freezing, wet, dark, windy depressing, salty, icey, snowy dangerous conditions..........and I'll show you a liar or a nutter ;)
  17. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I rode my last 2 bikes all through the winters and it wrecked them . No matter how often i washed it , after 3 years a lot had rotted and i spent a fortune changing grubby links and bolts etc .

    The blade is my pride and joy and i can't bare to do it to her . I have other bikes for the winter
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  18. Mel

    Mel Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    nothing to do with riding capabilities, once i get cold, i get very cold and cant warm up again easily, thats not enjoyable, biking for me is a hobby.. and its only 4 months out of 12 ...
    sounds like you ride all year, getting cold and wet, believing that it makes a better rider out of you, or maybe its a deep rooted fear that if you take 4 months off you might not be a good rider when you get back in the saddle? :D [throws verbal grenade in the room and legs it] :D
  19. djmrmagic

    djmrmagic Active Member

    Sep 30, 2011
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    I get cabin fever if I dont get on the bike for a few weeks, saying that i dont want to muck up the blade so ill get a old hack for the winter, there is bound to be some nice sunny (allbeit a bit chilly) days in Winter for a good ride out :)

    Ill use the winter to upgrade the brakes, fit some bump stops, rad gard etc, then give it a good service ready for the new season.
  20. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Its the same deal every year for me plenty of silicone spray ,Bike on the charger just in case ,Ready to rumble butttttttt! Then it freezes out comes the salt ,ok then 3 days of rain to wash it away good i will chance a run out sat am ,Bam ! it Freezes Friday night game over until you re live the whole sorry situation again and again ,Spend all xmas looking out of the window do the customary car ride to the bike shop for your fix ,More frost and before you know it its Spring and you might as well as laid it up ,But next year you never know ,and it all starts over again. Love it!

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