Much to my surprise, filtering through non stop traffic on the A2 last night on my way home from work, sheeting down with rain, mile after mile of blazing red brake lights from the tin tops, and of all the things to see commuting in the winter, an A reg RD350LC, red and white, and the guy was wearing a matching lid, probably of the same vintage. Sat behind him for a mile or so sucking in the smell of 2 stroke and bringing back memories of my own youth on an air cooled version. Strange beast to have out on a winters night, grit down and all.
Brings back memories of my yellow RD350lc. I'd have one tomorrow if I had money to burn.I certainly wouldn't take it out in the rain today though.But to be fair they didn't rust as bad back in the early 80s.Did we have salt down then?
Do like a LC ! A few pics of my RD 250 LC . Used to have a LC and a Bob farnham Tuned Power Valve in my Teens .
Loved my LC Big bore kit,race can etc Remember a group of us all rode to dealers one day as they had taken delivery of the RD500 wow never wanted anything in my life so much...but at 17 yrs old it was just a dream
Had a white with red flash 350lc with Allspeeds loved it but got stolen..YPVS Shite pic I know no digital cameras in 89!
Agree! Look at them feckin Sox! Good job some cunt cut ya head off the Photo, think of the shame if that got on Facefuck!
My first bike was a black 350LC Was fun, but it had a persistent oil leak and I was fed up with kickstarting it every time I forgot to turn the fuel tap on So I chopped it in for a '91 CBR6 (FM) a month or so later.... I never went back to 2stroke after that.