Road Safety! (Poss graphic images)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sinewave, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Warning this could well bring you to tears! :(

    #1 sinewave, Oct 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
  2. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Strong video complication, seen some of them before ..
    And I think there should be much more like this in tv...
    Just probably it wasn't best day for me to watch it today.
    Today again I've spend half day in hospital due to my accident two weeks ago.
    Turns out that because this tw%*#t took me out screws in my wrist got loose and they are damaging bones.
    Still waiting for ct scan of my wrist but one thing is for sure, they have to take them out.
    That leaves me with two options :
    - just take them out and keep better movement in wrist, but will cause 100% rheumatism and a lot of pain
    - or they can take them out and just bolt whole wrist together into one piece and that at best will give me up to 40% movement but " no pain" ...

    Don't know what to do... Just trying to not think about it now...
    Just wish that car drivers could have a bit more of road imagination ...
  3. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    loads of them clips or on telly already...well over here anyway
    they have them on all time
    #3 phantom, Oct 28, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
  4. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Christ that makes ya think ...... I found myself gasping out loud a few times .
  5. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    I was in a similar situation with my right thumb and wrist, fuse them both (give up riding because throttle hand) or put up with the pain. I have chosen to put up with it mate.

    My advice would be put up with it and see how you get on.
    If you don't cope they can still fuse it.
    If you fuse it first there's no going back so I really advice seeing if you can deal with it.
  6. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Can the mods put some sort of banner on this or amend the title? Either way the thread runs the risk of turning into a "show a tell" of the worst footage people can find so needs to be monitored closely

    Understand these adverts have a purpose and I'm not disputing that, but........
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Jkaye

    Jkaye Active Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I can't bring myself to push the play button, when I watch things like this it play's on my mind for ages.
  8. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Think that's what gonna happen. I'm just gonna put up with it... I'm not ready to give up riding..
    Just waiting for ct scan now.. And hope that they will take out screws soon cause they are kind of rubing my bones off now and it kinda hurt ;p
  9. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Not watched this, talk to my traffic officer mates at times at stuff they have to deal with - how they keep calm and carry on is beyond me at times - esp the bad ones and late night door knocks over Christmas and New Year time.
  10. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Prob same way doctors / surgeons n nurses do, they see it as a job and dont let it get to them or it wud drive ya ( sorry " you " mad ) me 2 sisters are nurses and see death virtually every day of their working loves, they just dont let it get to them. So traffic cops ( imo ) aint much special dealing with it, as its their job, no ones forcing them to do it, you know wot its gonna be like before transferring to traffic dept from being s run of the mill bobby on the beat.
  11. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    well need to talk to the DOE over here if you find them graphic as they are
    on all day over here (pre 9pm)....maybe we arnt as soft in the stomach lol
    • Like Like x 3
  12. The.kickboxer

    The.kickboxer Active Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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  13. The.kickboxer

    The.kickboxer Active Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Do you think the same way about soldiers that lose their lives defending the free world? "Oh he deserved to die, it's what he signed up for"
  14. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Never IMO.

    But they shouldn't be surprised if the go to war and get shot at!

    Edit - btw I have nothing but respect and admiration or the servicemen and women of this country. But do think folk generally shouldn't moan about occupational hazards to jobs they choose to do.

    Way off topic now!!!
    #14 Jimbo Vills, Oct 30, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
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  15. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Agreed. Don't get the point.
  16. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    In a way yeah, it takes balls n courage to put on the servicemen uniform for sure, but like the cops, YOU choose to put on that uniform when YOU sign up, wars arent like xbox games where u can kill everyone n not ger a scratch or hit the reset button n start again. So you know there is a great risk of drying.

    Same with bikes, some people wud think we r mad for riding bikes, bit WE choose to do it, even when hundreds of bikers get killed every year, no 1 is making us do it?? No 1 is making me do it!!

    So answer is def YEAH
  17. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    And wot is this " free world " you speak of??

    Is that the same world, where ur tax from the moment ur born till ur grave, all ur movements are recorded, logged and can be used against you, where the countey you live in snoops on you daily as well as its " allies " in other " free world nations " where the scrouts can beat the crap out of you n leave u to die in a pool of ur own blood and prob ger out of jail in few yrs but you tru defrauding you insuance company you ger into prison for long time.... Where yesterday a scrout with orevious history of gbh, got 6 mths for ounching his pregnant g/f in the stomach resulting in her loseing her baby, but sum bloke punches a police horse and gets double the sentence?? Where the dvla were trialing microchips in ur number plate to see where ya go, how fast and wot but got scrapped the idea cus of the cost......... And it goes on and on and on... Yeah welcome to the
    " free world "
    • Like Like x 1
  18. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I remember reading somewhere that the 'shock' type road safety stuff has a limited impact ie people drive a bit more slowly/safely for a few days and then revert back to normal.

    Way back when I joined the fire service, they showed a video called 'mechanized death' not pleasant, but was there to show us recruits the type of thing you would have to deal with. I worked on a specialist road accident unit for quite a while and if I let what I saw affect me I would have never ventured out on a road as a passenger, driver or rider. Not that it doesn't affect you of course.

    As an aside, I have PTSD but it was my choice to be a firefighter, I expected to get hurt sometimes, and did, I knew I could get killed, nearly did on quite a few occasions.I have compassion for those who suffer as a consequence of what they have been through in their respective professions ie police, ambulance, Doctors, servicemen, firefighters etc but no one twists your arm to join. Everything has consequences, in fairness though, it is hard to imagine the horrors you may see or go through.

    I saw quite a few motor bike accidents and had to release trapped riders and pillions. Not nice, but it never stopped me riding and never stopped me riding fast. I suppose there is that element of ' It will not happen to me' and that I think is why these type of adverts don't work. The reality is that some of the victims once thought it would never happen to them.
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  19. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    should see the bike adverts we get here, they arnt online but basically it starts
    with a bike speeding round country roads from the riders view and he's going on
    about open roads and opening it up to see how fast he can go because the minute
    you put the helmet on you leave it all behind.
    it ends with him in a wheelchair and a baby on a mothers lap and her spoon feeding
    the both of them saying she cant leave it all behind, basically taring all bikers
    with the same brush.still waiting on the look out for bikers advert...havent seen one
    here yet.

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