Robbery Risk.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SIDEWAYS, Dec 13, 2013.


    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    There are a few of us on here who take cash through our tills or have high value stock.If you have female or elderly staff serving over counters make sure a male colleague is with them at all times.There has been a spate of robberies in this area leading up to Christmas.Police say it is because they are vulnerable targets.The papershop 5 doors down has had an awful 2 months.He has been hit 4 times the poor sod.Each time these mindless scum have got more daring.They smashed a window and got in took all the fags 4ks worth.Next they smashed the door in with a big rock again took the fags.Then it gets nasty,6.15am on a sunday they held the girl Ann with a knife to her throat and demanded the safe contents as well as the fags and lottery cards.These thugs even stole money off the paperboy.Last night at 7pm they came in with a machete and knives and this time got the elderly guy Phil and demanded the money etc.There was a scuffle this time cos he has had enough of them and fought back with a pickaxe handle.They fled but were chased by an off duty dog handler,they got away just.Today they have just caught one of them.
    Be on your guard folks don't be an easy target, don't leave anything lying about or on show in cars,garages etc.Happy Xmas
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  2. flynn07

    flynn07 New Member

    Oct 6, 2013
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    Where do you live the bronx! Theiving scum i cant stand em,especially when they target vulnerable:mad:
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  3. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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    It's sad to see things like this but we have become to lenient with the sentences handed out to this people!
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Yep I'm livid for what they did too.I have been on my arse with no money etc and a young baby to feed and even then I wouldn't resort to stealing or robbing anyone.Just wished they picked on my shop cos they would have been severely dealt with.All that training and it never happens to me:rolleyes:
    Probably would have been banged up for doing society a favour.
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    bastards, never nice hearing this
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  6. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Scumbags mate............ sorry to hear that...
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  7. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sideways, it's not just up your end.

    over the road from our shop, there's a sweet shop and newsagents, owned and run by a retired couple (les and val). They have had their shop up for sale for a few years, and frankly they are tired out.... Getting up early for papers (5.30am) and shutting at 6pm... No holidays apart from 1 week per year..

    A few occasions they have been robbed, daytime orafternoon while in the shop. They haven't been able to apprehend the shits because of their age, and both are the sweetest people you could ever wish to meet.

    2 weeks ago, I popped over for the usual milk for the shop, tues around 1pm. Bought 10 fags, and paid up. The door goes, les looks up and there's 2 hoodies behind me, les' face just dropped. I looked at him and whispered it'll be ok dude, and sidled off to the side, pretending to look at magazines while keeping an eye on les and these two. They just walked upto the counter, started fingering the choc bars while the other went to the drinks fridge, opened it a few times, took nothing out and then went upto his mate.
    They milled around the counter for a bit, and I went over and said " can I help you lads?".... One of em just turned around, said nowt and walked out, followed by the other dude.

    les said thanks, and he said by the way they where behaving and not buying anything, he knew they where there to rip something off of worse.....he was waiting for something to happen...

    it's a decent area, but scum are everywhere... And these two people still get up for work at 5.30, both 70+.....and these twats just rob and don't give a shit... What a world eh? :(
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Just had an update, 3 men and a woman are in custody for their part in carrying out this scumbag act.
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