... in a TTT (cycling race!!) That course is amazing - but the bends are pretty hard at full pace on a push bike... what sort of speeds are you hitting on a motorbike around the bends on Silverstone?!?!
This is Jimbo doing the track from earlier in the week, he is quick..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rHAIIEZa2c&feature=youtu.be
Hi fireblade _ro, We '13' had a forum track day their On Monday the 16th. There's a few videos up of us appearing on YouTube slowly. As for speeds around the corners? Reckon I hold the record for some of the slowest Have a look in the 1000rr.co.uk forum track day thread if you like I'll pop back with a link for you in a minute. Edit. Here you are Ro If you want to cut out the Build up 'BullS#it' go from page 30/31 for the actual day http://1000rr.co.uk/trackdays/16642-30.htm