Just completed a radiator swap. The existing radiator was rotten to the point where the cooling fins crumble to dust under finger pressure. Taking advice from a trusted source I avoided cheap pattern stuff and bought a used OEM item from the U.S. on eBay. The company I used were in the system where all taxes and customs duties were part of the price. The radiator I got is exactly as described and in fantastic condition. The swap was actually pretty easy. The fairing is as fiddly as all shell but just takes time to get right. Worst part was paying a fortune for a new crush washer as I could only find the OE part. £5.00 for a washer plus delivery... Result is that I no longer have any drips of coolant on the floor, the bike runs five degrees cooler and doesn't get as hot as it did in traffic. And the fairing fits better too because I took the time to line it all up... Satisfying spot of home mechanics I'd say!