rsv4 compared to my blade

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by shirty30, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. shirty30

    shirty30 New Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Hi guys well i have had my blade for a month and dispite the snow i have managed to have a play a couple of times all be it very tentative. I thought I would share my thoughts on my v4 compared to the blade.

    1 The RSV4 you sit on unlike the blade where you sit in it. So out of the two the V4 isnt as comfortable as the blade
    2 The blade feels like you are in control the V4 is a hooligan
    3 I have found very few outlets that can service the V4 however the ride to any establishment is worth it.
    4 i am a short arse the V4 has a seat height of 33inches so at traffic lights you look like you set up to get your knee down
    5 The V4 has 3 settings r-road S-Sport T-track. Track gentlemen is an animal but boy do you grin. It should show up on the V4 onboard computer as NFP as its not for everyone
    6 power delivery on the blade is smooth. Once your on it you feel in control the bike feels like its eats the corners your are definately in control.

    If you want a all out hooligan track bike that feels like a stallion then pick the V4. If you want a ride that provides good predictable solid riding pick the blade. In my opinion I am a convert I will stick with blades now
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    A good read thanks for the heads up.
  3. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Thanks Shirty, I really like the look of the RSV, nice to know it is an animal as well.
  4. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Im surprised you found you sit more in the blade as I came from
    A Duke and found you were more perched up on top of the blade.
    Would like to take the aprilia out a run as I do like the low down
    Power from V engine's

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