hey all I am sure the topic of intake flapper has been done to death....BUT mine seems different I have a 2011 version, it says cbr1000rrR8 on the frame if I look down the intake tubes I can see a flap and with the engine off its down, not checked with engine running and in gear.... Now what I wanted to do was pull off the vacuum tube and use it for my scottoiler, but when I look through the left side of the bike I see one tube and some wires.. I have tried to follow the tube without stripping the bike and one way it goes up to a black plastic box under the head light and the other way disappears into the engine compartment somewhere, So I am not sure what hose I am looking for, I cant see the box under the light is connected to the flappers at all. Is mine somehow different, being a New Zealand Model...cant see that it is, but I also cant see any metal diaphragm, etc Which is the best way to go, tank cover off or side faring off, thanks Cliff
Diaphragm would be underneath I believe, flaps don't open until 4000rpm Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a new tube for your scottoiler?
I think the diaphragm is on the right air duct. It is accessed by removing the upper inner cover and duct cover
Ah, ok thanks for the pictures, what I had seen on the www was reach in grab the tube, pull it off and plug it, I thought rather than plug the vacuum feed, I could use it for activating the scottoiler. so looking at the pictures, its a little different than the slightly older models as most www posts show a single flap etc... I may just leave it a tag my scott oiler else where on the vacuum system.... any suggestions? especially if I don't need to strip too much off.. thanks