Sign of the times?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mk3golfcab, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Driving into town this morning to pick a few bits up when noticed an old fella (late 70’s at a guess) laying on the icy path. Not one other person stopped :mad: luckily I managed to stop and help him up. He fell on ice and smacked his head. No family locally and lives on his own bless him. Offered him a lift home and my mobile number in case he felt unwell later but he declined.
    Is it just here where no one gives a f### about one another or is it everywhere :confused:

    needless to say a lot of vehicles slowed down to rubber neck and pedestrians crossed the road. Felt so ashamed for them to not stop and help.
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  2. Fatboy

    Fatboy Active Member

    Jul 18, 2018
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    Afraid its everywhere matey, people just dont have time for each other ,maybe the Corvid but that wouldn't stop me from helping, what a world eh:(
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  3. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Tell me about it. What a self centred lot we are :(
  4. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    looks like its just me that checks on the homeless people in town then?

    How hard is it to just say 'you alright pal?' then keep moving if they do, or check more if they don't?

    a few years ago, i turned the car round to check on someone laying on the pavement, turns out he was trying to turn the water off at the stopcock in the pavement but didnt have the tool!
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  5. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    I do that too, (check in on those with no fixed abode) or bring them a coffee and a sandwich. Thank you for all you do Blink
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  6. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    looks like its just me that checks on the homeless people in town then?

    How hard is it to just say 'you alright pal?' then keep moving if they do, or check more if they don't?

    a few years ago, i turned the car round to check on someone laying on the pavement, turns out he was trying to turn the water off at the stopcock in the pavement but didnt have the tool!

    its not often that i give them anything, speaking to a friend who is an outreach worker explained that by giving them food or drink only sustains their life on the streets, and discourages them from getting help.

    He said the best thing for them is to encourage them to go and get help, and that in Sheffield, there is a space for every homeless person every night, if only they would go
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  7. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Didn’t see it from that point of view blink, totally agree though!
  8. tuktuk

    tuktuk Elite Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    I done 2 good deeds the other week! Seen a jogger doing a strange dance and fall to the ground so spun arou d to see what was up. He had pulled a muscle and was sat in the rain on the floor but said he would be ok to get home. I offered to call someone for him but he declined and I drove off leaving him as a puddle gathered around him.

    Heard a weird beeping from next door one day, thought ah the old guy next door hasn't disconnected his phone properly after a call or something. Still going a few mins later so went to that wall for a closer listen and could hear a message saying pendant alarm activated, assistance on it's way followed by phone line error. Went and knocked but nothing so thought shit what if hes pulled his alarm and the line isn't connecting. Phoned 101 or whatever he non emergency police line is, they sent round 2 coppers and the home help people arrived half hour after that. Turns out he was sat up watching tv and was totally fine but bein 80 odd couldnt hear a thing!

    Dreading seeing him next time as I have to explain why I sent the cops round haha.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  9. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Yep unfortunately some people don't give a shite about other people around them, even of they're in distress it would seem! :rolleyes:

    Hats off to all those who have done a good deed today or any time for that matter! :)

    I feel like I need to do something now ......First old dear I see trying to cross the road is getting help whether she likes it or not!! ;)
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  10. Paul Longstaff

    Paul Longstaff Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Well done @tuktuk it could have been a life saver and that's what matters.
    From first lockdown I volunteered with local authorities to collect deliver prescription for those self isolating. Now however nearly a year later rhe authority have sent me forms to complete allowing for a DBS check (this i understand is ok) and forms full or rules and regulations and must adhere too and and agree to answer to a council supervisor amongst shit loads of other stuff.
    Well I won't be signing Jack!
    My services were voluntary, no expenses for fuel nothing, out of my kindness to others however it now needs to be regulated with rules and regs making me a free council worker to do their bidding.
    That's not happening as I won't sign up to ring my supervisor etc etc etc
    I just wonder how many volunteers they "regulate" out as they aren't prepared to become unpaid staff
    It's a shame but we shall see what happens
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  11. bladey

    bladey Senior Member

    Nov 15, 2020
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    That Council crap is typical. The DBS is fine as you said Paul, but is the same with someone I know volunteered to do some herding of sheep into the vaccination centres, all they were doing is getting folks into line and they said they had to fill in a form about "inclusion" and racial wotnot. He just walked.
    I belong to a charity that walks dogs, or fosters them, for old folks who are unable to or have to go to hospital for a while, saves them being put down sometimes (dogs not the oldies). One initial piece of paper and it's done. No hassle in case the dog is of a different religion. That's the way to go for volunteers.
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  12. Paul Longstaff

    Paul Longstaff Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Hi blades yeah I was sent an inclusive document to sign too. Why? I don't know the race, religion colour or anything about the person. I don't care.
    I am literally told the chemist to go to, a name and an address to deliver it to.
    So wtf do I need to know about social equality and diversity and sign documents about it? Yes they included one of those too:confused:
    Honestly it's like a mini war and peace I have to sign up for so it's not going to happen.
    Strangely they rang me yesterday to do a 'run' and I said I couldn't as I couldn't sign their docs so if they needed my help it would have to be on the current 'volunteer' basis. She was quite shocked and didn't know what to do......Needless to say I'm still waiting to hear back from them. Let's hope they didn't forget about the poor sod waiting for the medication !
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