Was hard to tell for sure if it was you in my rear view mirror getting smaller so quick... Perhaps a re-spray in all black Cover those HRC colours slowing you up. H
Even the mighty power of HRC can't compensate for the drag caused by my balls. Nice riding though, when I started to make a little progress Triumph man just would not get out my way!
Ahhh so that's why Black blades are quicker. Must be because we empty our balls into the missus on a regular basis
I keep seeing both you boys in the morning. Rarely in the evening though. Do you only work part time?
Pretty consistent timing on the M4 in the morning, could be anytime between 6 and 8 in the evenings depending how evil my clients are!
He is a pain... I keep getting stuck behind him a lot. Especially on the elevated section... I've resorted to blipping he throttle, the horn and the odd helpful hand gesture... H
Really? What are you on? I've seen a couple of other blades. Evenings are about 19:00 for me... Although can be later.