my internet recently has been really slow. its never been fast but recently its horrendous I'm with orange through a BT phone line. i get orange broadband free. im not in a cable area (co durham) would it be quicker if i went with sky or BT directly? if i get sky do i still need to pay BT for the phone line?
I pretty sure you need a BT land line for Sky mate, you dont pay BT though, it all goes through Sky, and no doubt they pay them a percentage. As for speed it would depend on your area, most if not all peeps should now have fibre optic, but if your miles away from the nearest exchange it wouldnt be that fast
If nothing's changed at your end, phone them, 'stick. There are several adjustments they can do from their end to relieve dropped speed and if you tell them that its deteriorated recently they may well be able to sort it while you're speaking to them. It might be an idea to tell them that you are having difficulties with the phone too. For some reason they seem to prioritise that kind of problem. Over the last five years I've gone blue in the face trying to get BT to do something about my piss pathetic broadband speed and got nowhere, but mine's always been bad. If yours has suddenly gone bad there must be a physical reason. And, to be fair to them, if it is an easy solution they'll sort it, if just to get you off their back
I had a similar issue myself which sort of was two faults .I am with what was Tiscali (now Talk talk) with the Rip Off BT Line rental.My phone line is under ground and then rises near to the front door terminating in a small junction box within this box there are a loads of coloured wires but they seem to use about 3 any how the small connecters holding the wires were rotten so i replaced with a connecter block and the line was a bit better (Internet) The phone line crackled when i picked it you so i phone BT they will do a free line check which can be done either by phoning faults i think 151 or by a computer by going on the web .They said twice there was no fault but they would come out for £110.00 anyhow i fobbed them off and the fault was found in one of those green metal boxes you see in the road which had a rotten connection .Ps they may be work being done on the exchange worth checking out or some thicko has just dug it up .Hope this helps.
Is it actually legal to tamper with the wiring for the main socket? I thought all you were allowed to do was plug stuff into it or you'd be in breach of licence with BT.
Flatstick, does the timing of the drop in speed coincide with the school holiday, by any chance, co if it wasn't fast to start with all that extra traffic will kill it.
Who gives a toss, since then i have been in the plastic box and run a new line to my Man Cave, its all good brother!
maybe it has got something to do with school holidays its at its slowest morning/early afternoon usually but yesterday it was crap all day and night. i will phone orange and see if they can fix it
Do a few speed test at differnt times of the day - The Global Broadband Speed Test Also have a look at this site for some tips. Tips to Speed Up Your Broadband