A quick short and sweet description of the differences between the 4 main shifters we now sell. Well, come Monday with the launch of the new one it will be 4 So, All are standalone and use the best quality strain gauge's available. They are not switches, GP Type switch, proximity sensors or what ever else others are, they are fully featured top of the line strain gauges. They all use our own software which is key to the success of our shifters and why none feel like a HM on your bike. 1st is the new HM Super Lite (From Monday). This is a basic Plus with 1 preset kill times and 3 sensitivity settings. It has no control box as it is all built in to the sensor. Unlike other we have made for 3rd parties this uses the same components and software as the Plus as is not built to a cheap budget although the price is kept to a bare minimum so people can at least still have a HM Quickshifter on there bike just with limited functions. £199 2nd is the HM Plus. Need I say lol. This unit has a fully adjustable kill time and sensitivity settings but not for each gear and is by far our biggest selling product to date. £340.42 3rd is the new HM Plus SS. This unit is a no frills GP. It uses the new HMSS technology as in the GP. This gives the unit the ability to release the power back to the rear wheel BEFORE the preset kill time has passed. So for example if you have set the kill time to 55ms and you have changed gear and the unit see's the gear is fully engaged, lets say in 37ms, it will release the power back to the rear wheel even if this is before the kill time you have pre set. £416.75 Finally is the GP. The all singing and all dancing. This is what the top level teams in the top paddocks were asking for. this has it all, different kill times for every gear. Different sensitivity for every gear. The ability to turn HMSS on or off for each individual gear. Adjust the minimum kill time (HMSS) for each gear. Full data logging of the Quickshifter. The ability to operate an external blipped module ECU. From £650 I could go on but this is supposed to be short and sweet so thats the main differences between the units. Hope this helps *Prices exclude VAT.
Best start saving I guess, am I right in that it's only the GP model that can shift from 1st to 2nd gear?
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Why didn't you do this before I binned the bike and have to spend my spare pennies fixing it.
These are standalone shifters that connect direct to the coils so can work if you have any PC unit, Bazazz etc
Did not think I was going to spend anymore on my Blade this year but want a HM Shifter ! Will look at the HM Super Light shifter on Monday . You were right SPS !
All our products can be brought from HM Racing so thats a good choice (If they open on a saturday that is??)
I couldn't find any information about the external blipped module ECU, except on the following link: Flatshifter "Blip" - QUICKSHIFTER I am wondering if and how it works on a Fireblade, together with HM GP Quickshifter and where I could buy the the "external blipped module ECU" .
Hey guys, im becoming more and more isolated and ignored on track for not having a QS so I'm going to fit one for 2015... Just looked at the different options and features here but I'm still not sure which to pick.. It needs to shift smoothly from 1st to 2nd gear and I really want the 6th gear detection.. That means I probably need the GP one? I also assume the GP shifter is plug and play.. Ie you don't need an engineer to make it work properly? Thanks!