Not a problem, shipmate. I get bored of people misusing the word 'literally'. And sometimes sticking it by itself at the end of sentences. Gets on my nerves. Literally.
Yah. Rlly. Literally. Like LITERALLY? Rising intonation at the end of the sentence? Like kids do? That makes my head SO blow up in annoyance. Literally.
You are a STAR!!! I just didn't know how to do that without being spelling police, cuz it's lambda, but I didn't want to be THAT GUY!!!
I hear you, Matrix! If the spelling police were out in force half of us would be breaking rocks this time tomorrow. Literally. (There's a delicate little pun in there just waiting for its moment)
You called...... Seriously though. I can take spelling goofs, even the perfect amongst us are subject to typos and auto complete insisting that there is such a thing as 'American English', for the love of Cliff! I can get funny about incorrect grammar, but I must stress, that's a tiny little OCD cross I have to bear and I do try to bear it alone (mainly because Jeanette has a habit of twatting the back of my head when I put that particular anorak on). However, my big teeth grinding trigger is TEXT SPEAK!!! (and using more than one exclamation mark)
Well, I am your worst nightmare, cuz I cannot use less than three exclamation marks!!! EVER!!! How are you about multiple question marks??? If you are triggered by those what about the dreaded combo?!?!?!?!
my problems are my phone likes to autocorrect without permission but it takes properly spelt words and messes them up ffs (text speech)
Acronyms I can live with. It's things like replacing a perfectly usable word like 'see' with 'c' and leaving the vowls out of words entirely that gets on my tts.
The flashpoints for me are when the folowing capitalised words come up at the counter in a coffee shop 'Yeah. Can I GET a latte. I'm LIKE SO gonna drink it. LITERALLY.' And if the coffee shop happens to be STARBUCKS I'm ready to eat a road bridge. LITERALLY.
Yes mate that grips mine as well, as does 'in store' it’s in THE bloody store or Can I HAVE a latte. People not saying please and thank you gets me wound up as well, manners cost nothing.