Sports bikes - how to ...

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Remal, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    ....... keep them clean and do they get many stone chips

    I've not thought how is the best way to keep a sport bike clean. never having one with much fairing on. So how's best to give it a good clean? I gather taking the fairing off is the start. How much of a pain is this. I'm not talking about every week wash removing the fairing?

    Also I have been looking at ventureshield again as it done a great job of keeping the triple stone chip free and protecting the paint work. So anyone have ventureshield on their sports bike?


    4 days till I get the blade and counting :not_ripe:
  2. stigg

    stigg Active Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Never used ventureshield but I just give mine a good polish in the winter, then wash it everytime I get back from a ride then give it a good polish about every third wash, seems to work ok. Some fairings can be a pain but do it once and get the idea and it's a doddle after that.
  3. Rob

    Rob Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Not too fussed with Ventureshield as fairings are very easy to clean and polish and wax and never had a problem with stonechips. Its the rest of the bike, chain, swing arm, under tail etc that take a beating in the bad weather. Wouldn't worry about taking the fairings off to be honest, they are supposed to be a pain.

    I have just discovered a product called S Doc 100 cleaning gel available from Hein Gerricke and i highly recommend it for the areas mentioned above :)

    Not long now till you get your Blade eh? If you're anything like me i bet you can't stop thinking about it lol!
  4. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    yea very excited. I think a few coats of FK1000HP or Dodo juice supernatural is in order first

    As I said I'm a little OCD with detailing.
  5. viper_biker

    viper_biker Active Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    To be honesty, Honda plastics aren't that strong and stone-chips are inevitable. I even seen a lad on a 2010 CBR have a stone put a decent sized hole in the nose cone from an oncoming stone.

    For the nose, you really can't beat the Motografix stuff for stone chip protection. I had it on my K5 and it was great. I have brand new front and back motografix bits of the 06/07 CBR that I never fitted though as it didn't match the bike, and you'll be the same with a Repsol bike.

    I ride my bike all year round and keeping it clean is easy, keeping it immaculate is impossible. A good wash once a week and it'll look good, polish once every couple of months when I'm feeling like spending the time on it and strip everything once a year and re-grease it all.

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