Had a look around Paignton's bike night this evening spotted 2 members bikes and their riders, shwan and ken (kpone) couple of pics,,,,,, Shawn's And 2 of kens
Good to Catch up with you again Martin hope you and the family had a good time and little Owen Didn't keep you up too late on the dancefloor.
I'm a bit more concerned he got a picture of me and Keithy holding hands... That was a hairy old trip home. Some thick fog up on top of the Haldon escarpment, fair enough, but just as I dropped the left hand bar to fall into the left hand swoop that starts Telegraph Hill it was like I rode into a cloud. One second good vis, next second, none. As well as the fog bank, my visor clouded over instantly. Trying to shut off from 70 on an opposite camber bend on a 1:6 while attempting to lift your inside hand off the bars to flip the visor is not a place you want to find yourself when you're dying for a piddle. Add the 70 mph wet slap in the face once you've managed it and I'm sure you can guess at the pucker factor. I'm now seriously considering pinlock. or religion.... ...no, definitely a pinlock.
hey lads, when are you heading down here to australia for some beer, blades, babes and descent riding weather ? (not to mention smaller number plates)
You should see him on a sugar rush! That was him tired! He seemed to like you though mate (someone has too I suppose)
Yeah they're just like cats in that respect. Martin's sport was cracking me up though. Every other bike that went past he was having a shit fit over, hilarious.