Saw this on the bay and as a few people were talking about swing arms lately I thought I would mention it. No idea if price is good or not but here's the item number 221620128823
was mentioned in another thread. buth heres the link..
wasted on a road rider maybe,but not a track rider.the Q/R systems are awsesome when your in a hurry to change wheels,match that with a wide track front end and it's 2 mins to swap wheels
They are all genuine. It's Alan Jackson from Jackson racing. Lots of history with the roads and gp. I've had a fair bit of stuff off him. He's not a bad bloke. He's only 30 mins from me. Been to his house a few times. Pandoras box of the honda world
is this turning into a phoenix awareness thread. get to suff and advertise it on ebay before him. sort of cutting out the middle man