. As I typed it out I was thinking is their really such a thing as the saying "no show without Punch " or not ? Still pressed the reply button though.
A good turn out at Bridge tonight for the first of the year's bike nights. Hopefully it starts as it means to go on. Took me just as long to put my leathers on as it did to get there but I'd feel a real outsider in the car. Shawn, were you there? I saw a bike like yours leaving just as I was helmeting up. About half sevenish?
Ya Ken i was there and left at about 7.30. I will be going to the next one so will keep a eye out for you mate.
Was it a gleaming evening? Any pics? Any outsiders get burned or sacked? Many tractors double parked?
Glinty rather than gleaming, I'd say. The police helicopter was hovering virtually right above it for 20 minutes or so, which was nice. There was somebody there who had that look about them...You know the look that infers he may be from Somerset... We didn't take the risk so we stoned him to death. Don't talk to me about double parked tractors! When I got back to the bike I was blocked in by two Harleys. I had to mount the pavement to escape. I didn't take a camera with me but their marketing geezer was wandering around with his. Photos From The April 2013 Exeter Bike Night - Bridge Motorcycles
A Bit too far for me at £480 mile round trip, I have been to Bridge Motorcycles though, nice place, nice city.
I think you did the right thing with the Somerseter. It's hard to be too careful these days. Look at this beaut from the Ace the other day. Shockingly filthy Fireblade parked behind it. I mean, who would leave a bike in that state! It's a disgra... Wait a minute...
The problem with Somerseters is that they talk funny, so it's easy for a Cornishman to get out pretending to be one.
An Impression yes, positive no. Mostly for not being able to understand a weather forecast, not that I hold a grudge for very long.