The sun came out, but did my blade, did it F

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    The hot water packed up. Hit the emersion switch and bang tripped the main fuse. Ok here we go. It’s no big issue as we have the oil burning boiler that can heat the water if we need to.
    Check the fuses, check the isolation switch, is it the timer, bypass the timer, still tripping the main fuse. Ok next the thermostat, only problem is whoever fitted the tank the fitted a false ceiling about six or seven inches about the top of the tank. Take down the false ceiling, and the real ceiling is only another couple of inches above it. Swear and go and make a coffee and go outside for a smoke. The sun is blazing and I can hear bikes in the distance. Swear again that if ever I find out who fitted that tank and or ceiling I am going to castrate him. Start and cut a hole in the ceiling with my blunt Stanley knife swearing again that I hadn’t brought any new blades. Sweating and struggling on steps over the top of the tank. Can’t see a bloody thing and need a mirror to see the little screws. Slide thermostat out and test it. All seems fine. This means it’s the element. Go out side again for another smoke and contemplate moving house rather than having to make an even bigger hole to get the heating element out. By now its gone 4 pm and everywhere is shut, I am covered in dust and not a happy bunny. Pound to a pinch of shit that when I get an element the old one will be seized in and either the solder will break or the tank will buckle and I will end up changing the whole bloody tank next weekend. That will be another weekend fcuked.

    Still not as bad a day as Carl’s though, I really feel for the fella.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Stop smoking and the job is done quicker :)

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