Got the bike run in. Bought it couple of months ago as a 59 plate with 200 miles on the clock. Oil. Despite being an rr9 still has an appetite for oil. Gearbox. So clunky, always checking /lubing chain but always same. Exhaust. Always grey rather than black really spoils the appearance. Economy. Compared to my 1198 seems to run on fresh air! Fairing. On previous bikes always take lower panels off to clean engine. On this bike the thought of prizing those clips apart fills me with dread! Overall. Love the bike. Love Repsol colours, easier to ride than two previous bikes- 1198 and big bang R1. Just wish I could resolve the few gripes I mentioned above!
In terms of gearbox. A few people have tried different spec oils and can help a little. Gear changes can also be helped with the Factory Pro Evo STAR shift kit and either Gilles or Sato shift support.
I took my panels off a few months back on my repsol rr9...was dreading it.. Once you get them off - did not take long at all... Then had to remove and put back on..and it was very easy the next time around.. Still shocked it all stays together..! Would not want to take them off to clean though.