so I started last year to get into timelapse, my problems before were I had a camera that didnt allow controllers and a battery that wouldnt last. the camera had to be connected to a pc to allow the timelapse control but this killed the battery. very amateur but it was a start..... the flicker is from the laptop program needing reset every 100 pictures which made the timelapse even harder work *click HD to view properly*
lesson number two.....dont leave iso on auto,didnt realise until I was an hour in and said to hell with it I will let it go this time *again make sure HD is selected or it looks like mobile phone footage* so I now have a camera that will allow a timer to be added and I think I have learned a little more about cameras so I hope my next vid will be a little better. so who else has had a bash at timelapse and what lessons did you learn along the way?
lol, well this was me trying out everything you could do with an is a fast 50 lens HD video lol
A good example of what's achievable there phantom. There is so much I want to start doing with the camera, and so little time. I did get my remote shutter release, still not used it, but I've got it all the same.
A lot of cameras have built in interval timers that will let you do timelapse. If it doesn't then you may also be able to use free tool "Camera Control" from DIYPhotoBits. It's a wee bit quirky (things have to be started in the right order and reset f you power off/on the camera), but I used to use it all the time for remote tether until I upgraded to Win7 (D700 didn't remote to 64 bit XP )
Try the software in the kink in my vid. Very user friendly, was that second vid using the inbuilt Inverter?
Personally I think it's great, going to take some time before I get used to it, and realise its full potential? It's my first DSLR so I can't compare, I've had a few good shots and a few not so, it's like any hobby though I guess. You only get out out of it what you put in.
These vids are great, I love time lapse. Just received a D600 for chrimbo so might have to look into if I can do it with mine at all.
OK, Here is my one and only timelapse - taken with a GoPro HD camera - I also have a 360' pan head I can fit it to that I have never used (it cost €2 to buy / make) - have some ideas of where to try it in Manchester City centre. Its a little too long, and as the camera adjusts to the fading light the effect is not as good as the SLR's, but for something the size of a matchbox that is waterproof its not bad...
If that's the Nikon D600 then it'll be in the Shooting Menu as "Interval Timer Shooting" or something like that (check the manual ) Not sure if Canon do it natively, but I know you can buy a remote trigger with a built in intervalometer(?)
I was watching this with interest and managed to dig one of my videos out. I went the other way and tried high speed filming at an event I was at last year using a new Panasonic Compact System Camera, the GH3. It has a time lapse video mode, but I could only think of filming the clouds, so I stuck to High Speed video instead. Enjoy...
first time using video mode on the SLR, was going to make it longer but I decided to make another vid at some stage.