There's new surfacing that's been done through hall bends, hairpin and barn. I found that it felt really strange under your knee, like soft and jellyish. Didn't like it at all, because the slider didn't scrape along it felt as though the grip also wouldn't be there for the tyres. As a result I was soooo slow through this section. Just wondered what you guys thought?
They've also re-surfaced parts of Oulton and myself, Andy and Jase were some of the first to ride on it. Have to say it was a big improvement as it was much smoother and grip levels were extremely good especially round Shell Oils. Slightly disconcerting though when you see the colour change of tarmac but I think it plays with your head more than anything. It will have settled down by the next time you go.
YT,have a look for Mike "spike" Edwards on facebook,or on his own site just google him,and he gives a bit of a run down on the new surface,and kerbs. in fact if youre serious about getting quicker,but more importantly safer whilst being quicker,it would be the best money you'll spend on biking.a full day with Spike is nothing compared to what some peole spend on their bikes without no real gain.
Cheers scooby. I have been considering this recently and after he came past 2 weeks ago with a "student" I realised how quick he is!!!