Track Days...''Get yer knee down son!''

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by Jamz, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Just interested in how many people here do track days that don't or haven't got their knee down yet?

    Did you get your knee down at your first track day?
    For someone who hasnt :baby: :baby:..Im going Intermediate level, is that the right choice for me?, dont get me wrong I ride fast and am confident on the bike, ive dropped it once so i have experience in that field too lol so ive got that new found level of respect for it as well which i think (certainly in my case) makes me a better and smarter rider

    Just after some advice really and some of your story's
  2. garyauk

    garyauk Active Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    I obviously can't advise you on what group is best for you, but what I would say is go in the novice group if it is your first track day. just so you can get a "feel" for it. At least this way you can get some experience of being on a race track without fear of being in anybodys else's way. You can always ask to change up a group after a few sessions.

    I got my knee down on my first track day without really trying, it came naturally at the end of the day when I started to understand just how much you can lean a bike. A friend of mine took 3 track days to get his knee down. But also remember that getting your knee down doesn't necessarily mean your are riding fast!
    Above all, just relax and enjoy yourself
  3. Jamiestrada

    Jamiestrada JamieMultiTraitor

    May 12, 2011
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    I can get my knee down on the road and track took 3 years to do it though, and I had a weird way of learning it lol.

    Now I do it all the time without trying. I did my first track day at castle coombe novice group and the comment from the instructor was its a race track not a roundabout lol as I just enjoyed getting my knee down so much, I got moved from novice group to inters half way through the day and was front running by the end of the day.

    I am booked in at cadwell end of the month after 2 years away from the track and have booked as a novice there, I like to have no pressure to start off with, if your fast enough they will move you.

    Inters can be quite hard sometimes to start off with as its got three types of people,

    1. think they are fast but are not
    2. people who belong in inters
    3. Fast riders who don't want to say there fast incase there not

    I have a mate who is very quick does 3 - 4 track sesions a year and still has not got his knee down.

    The main thing is it is a track day for you to enjoy :)
  4. fisher

    fisher Active Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    The best thing with doing track days is practising the same corner time and time again, I got mine down a few years ago two days before I booked my 1st track day, I then got it down everywhere, when you realise what body postion you need and the speed needed into the corner its piss easy mate.

    I have helped a few mates get theirs down as well, you really need to relax your upper body, drop your shoulder then it'll go down for sure, I've seen loads of slow guys get theres knee down so its not about speed, its all about technique, study photo's of peoples body positions mate................I hope you do it, its a great feeling the 1st time it goes down, although it scares you a bit as well!!!!!!
  5. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Yea im looking forward to the whole shebang...Im not worried about going fast or taking corners fast once i know them...maybe your right about the novice group, then obviously getting moved if they think Im Inter material.

    Ive got nothing to prove so I think that might be some sound advise..cheers fellas
  6. BladeHRC

    BladeHRC Active Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Hope its not wet Jamz, otherwise you will need to change them slicks! LOL
  7. slowr1der

    slowr1der Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Carl stick in Inters mate dont worry about novice, Odiham is not your run of the mill trackday. I dont think i could live with the fast group on a mainstream trackday but i will happily run with the faster guys in the fast group at Odiham.
  8. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    If I was you I'd stick with your inters booking just in case the groups are full but when you've signed in etc I'd then ask if they mind you heading out in novice for the first two seasons or something.

    I stuck with novices for a few track days until I was comfortably slicing through the field and at which point novice seasons held me back as all the lines would've taken wrong and people would (with due respect) be in my way.

    The last thing you wanna do is turn up somewhere and screw up peoples lines or get towed along thinking your fast and get all out of shape in corners your not familiar with which could easily end up in pain & money.

    Leave pride at home, just trust me on that as it's extremely important in the early stages.

    You may be fast on the road but that dosnt mean your riding correct lines etc, just build up track layout knowledge at your own pace, slow in fast out and you'll come good.

    Don't go stuffing it up the inside of people in to corners thinking you'll have them in the brakes cos most 'novices' do that then stand up through the bend thus making it dangerous for the bikers carrying the corner speed.

    You'll get there, just warm your tyres, drop the pressures (they'll talk about this) and take your time. It's fantastic when it comes together, just don't try and sprint from the off and enjoy
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  9. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Cheers dude
  10. Bikeracer1098

    Bikeracer1098 Active Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    The best advise I can give you is to do some additional training/have tuition on track

    Try the Californian Superbike school or Ron Haslem Race School etc.

    You will improve your knowledge, ability, and be able to increase your speed.

    As you progress you will naturally get your knee down on high speed/tight corners.

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