Trever Phillips, about bloody time

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I got home from Heathrow just in time to see 3/4 of his program this evening. What a breath of fresh air.

    I am white, born and bred in the Midlands from north east London stock. I am English through and through, not British, I have no Scottish or Welsh blood in my veins. I have nothing against the Scottish or the Welsh but my flag is the cross of St George and I am rightly proud of it.

    Now, before I get flamed for being proud of what I am. My ex-wife is Spanish and my two children are half English/Spanish. Hopefully the ‘rest of my life’ partner is Chinese/Malay so I am not a racialist. One of my best friends at school was from African origin. I also have a gay and a Muslim is my department, both of which I respect for who they are. If anyone applied for a job in my department I would consider their application on merit not colour, creed or religion.

    It’s about time someone said what we have all been thinking, and I think Trevor Phillips has hit the nail on the head.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. dessp2

    dessp2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Very interesting post Freedom!! I agree with what you are saying but at the same time the whole world cant fit into the UK, something drastic needs to be done. The Schools and hospitals cant cope, there isn't enough housing to accommodate etc. Its needs a lot better review and the benefits system needs a total overhaul. I am far from racist and I am half Irish anyway.
  3. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    What was this programme called or should I just wait for the outcry about it?
  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    To answer my own question is was "Thing We Won't Say About Race That Are True"

    Set it to record tonight as Ch4 have a +24 channel.
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    You may all find this difficult to believe, but I am a bigot...

    There is a particular demographic toward which, despite my veneer of culture and intellect, I focus most of my hate and displeasure.

    And, it's made worse by the fact that most of them are hidden and protected by a culture that lives in fear of litigation and censure by the dictates of diversity and equality.

    You see, I hate arseholes...

    I just can't stand them. They're bloody everywhere, they're a bloody nuisance, and their numbers are on the increase.

    The time I spend in dealing with them is time that despite any pleading at the pearly gates, I won't get back. and that, in my view, should constitute theft and assault on my person.

    The problem is though that arseholes can be of any ethnicity, gender and faith. They can be abled or disabled, either physically or mentally, they can be of any and all sexual orientation. They can be spittle spraying UKIP fuelled bigots or tree hugging Greens. They can suffer from invisible conditions or face eating Ebola. They can be of the noblest, inbred stock or the bloke down the pub. They can be your closest relation or just someone that cut you up at the roundabout this morning, completely randomly.

    But they're all arseholes.

    And that means, that the evolution of a caring society has protected them from the cull they deserve so much more than the badgers do, not because they are arseholes, but because they and their forbears have all suffered unfair prejudice for all of the other reasons above.

    So there you are. My name is Ken, and I'm a bigot.

    So sue me, arsehole...
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 3

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