Anyone answer this? Bought a bike which is a Cat D write off but The bike was crashed in whilst my mate was touring in Spain, he claimed on his insurance and they brought it back etc The bike was assessed and declared Cat D. just before he was paid out the found out he didn't declare a previous claim so they revoked his claim and sent him the bike back.............but the bike remains a Cat D. So is the bike a write off or not?
Two different things have occured here. 1) The Bike has officially been logged as having been in an accident etc and has been 'officially inspected' and declared a CAT D, so I'd say YES. 2) The Claim payout has been revoked/refused for a 'Non Declaration' which it will be argued (and will be in the small print) has nothing to do with the catagorisation process which I reckon once set in motion and judged on can not be undone. I may be wrong but that's my take on it.
You need to check if the insurance company put it on the MIATR list, HPI or similar can check for you. Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register. If they didn't, then it'll have no cat status showing against it.
Ironic as it is, it may have been while entering the claim / loss on the MIAFTR database that the previous claim was flagged up, and that was when the alarm bells rung about non-disclosure of previous claim. I would imagine the bike is recorded now as CAT D , shame I am unable to check records at work but no access and would break a code of conduct anyway - HPI check etc. is best bet.