Anyone binning it and moving to another messenger platform? I know they say the changes on privacy don’t affect UK and EU, but still want you to accept multiple pages of legal bollox if you want to stay on.
Never used it as it was bad enough before FB bought it, I use Signal instead. Oh and btw Facebook, and others, have moved UK user data to California.
I'll stay with it...its the only sm thing I use and its great for messages/pics. I never read the legal stuff's too short
Reading this it looks like a bit of a storm in a teacup. It's still end to end encrypted. Cant see it making much difference to how we used WhatsApp before
And yet they have delayed the implementation until at least 15th May because they have lost so many users since they announced this. Have a look at The Social Dilemma on Netflix to get an understanding of why they want to link all this data. The data grab is one of those things that seems innocuous on it's own but is a sign if things to come. Look at how Facebook now insist on you having a Facebook account to use the Occulus VR, another product where they promised independence when they bought it. Consider what happens when FB insist on you having a FB account to use anything to do with them, and then think what happens when they decide to suspend/block your account because for example you say something "offensive" on FB, or someone reports a WhatsApp message you post to a group, or a group gets banned because of its political views.
I don't have have netflix.....what's netflix.. Can you get it oop north? Does it stop the covid jab working? Has Donald been banned off it
Calm down Norah, netflix doesn't impact the covid jab unless you are exactly 3.1415926535897 miles from an east Facing Huawai 5G mast and you have both of your own front teeth PS Trump is banned from everything, including his own Golf Clubs and toilet.