What is your technique when riding

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by djfleming22, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    I read a lot about racers techniques that they use on the road or track for either riding safer or riding faster or being more aware of the conditions surrounding you and how to ride in a group or how to ride on an unfamilar roads.

    So what is your technique on the road do prefer to go out by yourself or if you are in a group do you like being at the front do you push yourself more in a group then out by yourself do you think you ride better when alone, do you go for long runs or just short ones do you trail brake into corners like Freddie Spencer do you use the throttle more in corners and suspension like Keith Code tells you to do, do you go out more in the dry.... do use the techniques you learn on the track on the road or vice versa do you read books yourself to understand how your bike works or do you just listen to what other people tell you.

    We always seem to talk about the long list of extras that we are either going to fit or have fitted to our bikes but hardly anyone ever talk about how thay have learnered or how we ride our bike.... I know that this a pretty long list but i am always very interested in what people have got to say on this subject so please feel free to make it as long or as short as you want.

    So for the first one do you like to go out by yourself or with others and do you ride fast or slow and do you go long distances or short...in short tell us about how you ride
    #1 djfleming22, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  2. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I ride alone. Always. Perhaps there's a hidden message of some sort in there?
    My reasoning is that I'll be responsible for everything that happens and not influenced by other riders.
    I also don't like humans.

    I started riding before technique was ever really talked about and got on fine. Then I became interested in technique, specifically Keith Code's stuff. I try and use it on the road, but I don't go mad and just try and enjoy myself, partly through understanding the machine and science involved in riding.

    Some key lessons I've adopted over the years (some are obvious I know)...
    Field of vision and spacial awareness
    Counter steering and body positioning
    Experiment with suspension settings
    Speed control (go fast when you can and careful when necessary, use both brakes)
    Ride in all weathers
    Use your bike in conditions that don't naturally suit it
    Prioritise safety over legality...when it suits you ;)
    A million other things which have become subconscious

    Pretty random ramblings but there you go.
  3. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Right, here goes, i ride on my own because i haven`t got any friends, & i am also the sort of tw*t who would get sucked in by trying to keep up with someone.
    As i have only been riding for 3 yrs, i have accumalated about 4k on motorbikes. So i can safely say i haven`t got masses of talent.
    I used to be into scooters when i was a teenager, tune them up & blow them up weekly, also used to ride them like a Grade A LUNATIC. (the police will verify that)
    Back in those days safety clothing, lifesavers & general consideration for other road users didn`t mean f*ck all to me, but ever since doing my direct access, my eyes have been opened as to all the hazards about.
    I go out for rides on my own, as i always go the same routes which are getting boring, (so if anybody knows any exciting rides in the south west?). I regularly let other bikes past me, & sometimes in the right conditions i have seen silly speeds on the clock. I DON`T OVERTAKE ON BLIND BENDS like some bikes do, i dont overtake on solid whites, i try to get my knee down (haven`t yet), which is probably great amusement for some people. Also what i find funny since riding a bike is car drivers who see you coming up behind them, they then dive into the gutter throwing up all sorts of shit just because they think you are about to overtake anything & everything. I only ride when we have had about 2weeks of dry weather so that i don`t have to clean it after!!!
    i think i have a strong self preservation system built in, either that, or not very big balls.

    so , basically, i don`t have much riding talent, i ride fast when i shouldn`t & i also ride slow when i shouldn`t, i`m too courteous to other road users. And i don`t want to spend 12weeks locked up with big dave (who likes tall, bald men in glasss) because i got caught doing 155 in a 60!
  4. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    :crazy_pilot:I forgot to mention technique, i read about weighting this , countersteering that , ass cheek off here. i take these on board & when i go out i forget every single one of them. Next year i will be hoping to get some form of track training( not trackday) just to give me an idea as to when i should be hanging off & body position.
  5. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I also prefer to go out for rides that are longer than 30miles as it seems a waste , to spend all that time squeezing into everything just for hal an hour.
  6. vino

    vino New Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    Goood question!

    I prefer to ride in a group. I do occasionally go out by myself, but get bored quite quickly. If I'm on my own, I'll usually potter down to Box Hill, circumnavigate the roundabout under the A3 near Oxshott about 15 times trying to get my knee down, then have a cuppa at Rykers, chat with a few randoms & potter home.

    Group rides are much more fun & I'm usually out for 5-7 hours on a Sunday, depending on where we go. I'm in Surrey, but ride quite a lot with some GSXR riders from Essex, so Suffolk & Kent are usually on the agenda as destinations/routes.
    I do ride much faster in a group, and am usually only comfortable mid-pack or up front if riding with people I know & trust. I do like a health dose of shenanigans, but don't get involved in anything that's going to get me banged up for 5-10 years or killed, and I have stopped riding with some people if I think they're dangerous (although I'm far from being a saint).

    Usually only trail break when I've been going far too quick (or have been eyeing up a bird, only to realise the road disappears left/right).
    Try the Keith Code thing when I can remember (latest DVD is hilarious, but good messaging)
    90% fair weather rider - although invested in some Hein Gerike PSX-RS all weather kit for touring this year, so will venture out now if it look a bit iffy
    Paid to have my bouncy bits set up properly - made a massive difference to the bike and my riding/confidence
    Bling - slapped a fair bit of shiny stuff on to my 'Blade. I don't think it makes me a better rider, I just like it
    Rider development - Planning on doing Paul Gowers wheelie school this Autumn. Mrs Vino is 'encouraging' me to do a Bike Safe course & I may also look in to California Superbike School. Would like to get my IAM license, but haven't currently got the time to dedicate to it.
    Get tips on riding & improvements I can make from the people I ride with.
  7. Carlosoul

    Carlosoul Active Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I ride alone and I focus mainly on two areas, one is getting used to high speeds, so when I am going along at 130+ I stay relaxed and check in with myself so I dont get phased when I go faster next time, the second area I focus on more is cornering, I try various techniques, at the moment I keep my head in the centre of the bike and lean as far over as I can (a bit like a GS rider) this gives me confidence cornering and then when I hang off I feel I have much more lean angle to play with.
  8. Sossige

    Sossige Active Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    I tend to go out for rides on my own, usually for an hour or two. Most of my riding tends to be when it's dry (not necessarily spring/summer as we get some great winter days). If it rains when I am out, so be it and I'm fine with that - but I don't usually set out when it's raining.

    If I do any group riding at all, it's with other people from the IAM as I've passed my test and there's a very active IAM group local to me. I have to behave and some of the riding/driving I see on the roads nowadays is shocking as t&biskits says - I want to ride with like minded people, not someone who thinks he is the UKs answer to Ghostrider.

    Otherwise, I tend to ride alone as it's quality "me" time and I get to enjoy myself and the challenge of riding well.

    If I had to share a riding lesson with someone it would be the idea of the safety bubble and giving yourself time/space to deal with what comes up on the road.
  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Great Thread.

    I prefer to ride alone and have to be careful that my mates don't find out in case they get upset because they all prefer to ride in a group and prefer to have me in front. My argument is that I'd be less dangerous behind them, there's is I'm the better navigator. I prefer to ride alone because my mood tends to set my pace. Somedays I prefer to bimble, some days I like to stretch my legs. That's much easier on your own. Also my job is pretty full on, deadlines, damage limitation, expectation management, arsehole management, etc. I wouldn't dream of boring you any more with it, but I do like to use my bike as a wind down, so an hour or so of an evening out on me jack is just right for me.

    As far as technique goes, I don't think I've got one, I just let it happen, really. I do absorb words of wisdom, when I understand them, and if the bulb lights up and I think 'Yes, that's where I've been going wrong.' I do try and incorporate it when I ride. If, on the other hand it's outside of my comfort zone (like the best way to get your knee down) then I just tune it out. It's all about the editing.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Fast riding on my own .Hunting down bikes and just getting on with it .If you want a country side tour hop on the orient express .Seems quite childist which it is, however thats why i have a blade .
  11. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Hunting down bikes, why bikes?
  12. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    What else would give you a good bit of sport besides an Evo ?
  13. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Fair enough, just be careful, there is always some t*at out there not paying attention. I have had the odd chav trying to out run me, Honda integra in town, always the best place to drive like a dick. The words end & bell spring to mind.
  14. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Cheers Dude ,It doe,s seem a bit crass however up this end on the right night its like the TT one night last year i got caught up at some traffic lights on a bike night and the take off with 25 arseholes inc me was like the start on a bsb race He He! On the danger front i am also super aware of most situations having to lead the Funeral car with some mates in full leathers (Wifes request) of a riding mate and with my current riding mate ok now but in an Ambulance 3 times in 12 months ( Red hair ...Red mist ) i think. On riding Technique Toes on pegs but balls about 2" from tank most racers have balls on tank but i keep creaping back .what do the boys think is best?
  15. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I used to have red hair and red mists..............Now my hair's going white and I just have white mists..................Must be cataracts.............

    What were we talking about?......
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  16. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Or Xmas eve.
  17. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Ken I asked a question about riding position ie Balls on tank or 2" away .Are yours now dangling down the side of the tank .You saucy old git!
  18. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I wish. It would have saved me a fortnight of not inconsiderable discomfort after I smashed up the 750.
  19. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Yup i think i saw you mention that so in this situation i suppose it dos'nt matter the seating position same out come.
  20. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I actually would like to be able to push back a bit off the tank. I'm sure it would improve the comfort on the plank that calls itself a saddle, but it doesn't feel comfortable and I drift back up tight against the tank subconciously. I'm just the wrong shape, I suppose. Toes on the pegs is one of those things I mentioned earlier in this thread. I heard about it and thought 'yes, that makes perfect sense', tried it a few times and didn't feel enough in control. Does it take much time to feel right?

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