Right then peeps, it's been a while since I did a track day, well, until yesterday that is. I've done a few and last one was well over a year ago, but took the blade on for the first time yesterday and was massively impressed with her. I was quickest on track and couldn't believe my stock road bike was leaving full blown racers behind. Not sure whether this is the biker or rider that did it but my god, these blades are something else. Anyway, I'm wondering what to do with regards to having a track bike. Thing is, I'd like to have the best of both worlds as I couldn't imagine being without a road bike but don't have enough money to go and buy another bike whilst keeping mine as well. It's either a track bike or road bike. Part of me thinks maybe just track mine and ditch the road bike simply because the 1000 is wasted on the roads in comparison to being on track. So with that in mind, I was thinking maybe I should get some race fairings and crash bung her to the hilt and hope I don't ever come off, but if that should happen, I'd be ruining my mint road bike. How much protection do you actually get from crash bungs? If I did ever come off, it would be ok if it was just fairing damage but anything more and I'm looking at a big repair bill. Can you guys see my dilemma here, I really can't decide, any advice would be massively appreciated.
Tough call dude as you are imagining an off with just a bit of damage the protection maybe ok but a full victory roll will "do it in " game over .The fact you have a great skill you should be able to buy a shitter and still have massive fun like most things the fairings and crash bungs and the like will run into a grand before you blink I wonder if you could get something like a zx6 for not much more? Only a thought !
It is a tough one, but I decided to sell my road bike and don't miss it at all now. I started doing trackdays on my road bike, got the bug and then ended up deciding to go racing. I haven't looked back since and really can't see myself going back on the road any time soon. In terms of taking your road bike on the track, the more you get on the track, the more you will push and more than likely you will have some sort of off. It may not even be your fault, you could get hit from behind or clip somebody. Personally, if funds don't stretch to both, I would do some thinking about which way to go. Tracking your pride and joy means you will not be as comfortable or willing to really push it. Having a track bike does open this up, but obviously you sacrifice road use, unless you opt for a track bike with a V5 and a daytime MOT. More people are giving up road for track and it is easy to see why: safer, much more fun, more rewarding, the chance to give it the beans without the risk of points and a fine, you learn a hell of a lot about bike handling and riding......the list goes on! Try to do a couple more track days, see how the land lies and then go from there. If you do decide to stick to track though, don't necessarily stick to a 1000. I have ridden 1000s for the last 12 years or so, but my race bike is an R6 and is just so much more useable on track. Sure, down long straights, a 1000 would have the legs on it, but around bends, on the brakes and on the gas, it will show a 1000 the way.
If I was to get a track bike, I think I would have to look at another blade cos, of all the bikes I've ridden, it's by far the best, well, so far anyway. Can't see many more being much better but I could be wrong. I don't think a 600 would be fast enough for me. Think I'd best start saving and look for another blade, maybe find one with faring damage already.
In your position I'd go with either Track fairings and crash protection - limits the most common damage you could do which is fairings, light units etc. but does leave open the rare but possible chance of big damage. Sell the blade and buy a cheaper bike you could afford to lose if the worst happened. Tip. Do not look at Repsol Robs old posts
I put track fairing and crash bobbin s on my road blade and use that, as being an 05 the price of it is not much more than buying a good track blade would be? I doubt mine is worth more than 3.5k? So track bike price Now if I had a newish blade I would probably buy a track bike, as it can't be fun writing off a 12k bike I was even thinking of keeping by blade in track form once I can get enough money to buy a new one? (Putting kids through uni is taking most of my spare cash right now)
First of all I'd refer to this other handy post which was put up a few days ago, same scenario someone after advice on a trackbike, worth a read... http://1000rr.co.uk/trackdays/12808.htm Also I'd say what group were you in? If it was novices I'd say deffo move up a group, I was one of fastest in novices on my first day on my roadbike but that's because its exactly that- a novice group. There's a lot of guys in the novice group at trackdays that would be a hazard on the road nevermind on track! I've even found inters to be boring (in terms of competition) so stick it in fast and see how ya get on. I think that's where you can get a real idea of your pace.
Think I should start saving, only trouble is, I'm too impatient and will probably end up tracking mine in the meantime and end up writing it off, lol. Maybe I'm over thinking this. Maybe I should just use it for both and just see how it goes
Have you thought about weighing up the cost of parts to make yours track ready as a fairing and bungs could add up to half the cost of a 10 year old track bike. I bought a track bike with the view that i can drop it in the morning and be out on the road bike in the afternoon. Also, if I don't drop it then I can get most of money back when I come to sell it.
Try tdr forum i got my k4 750 for 2.5k. With ohlins shock and damper, ktec forks, quickshifter, brembo Mc, braided lines, harris framework etc. The list goes on. Dont just rely on ebay like most do
I will second what YT says. Also try Motoforum, possibly a slightly better website for actual bikes that TDR.
I'm looking at possibly a K5 or K6 Gixxer 1000 for TD's. Having ridden one the torque it develops from 2k onwards puts most other bikes to shame just need to get the front end and brakes to be more like a blades and it's all good. I personally find the 600 frame size too small for my manly frame or I would give one a go
Ooooooo navvy you manimal!!!! my mate has a gixxer thou and i smoke him on track haha. Does seem to go well tho ive not had a go on it even though the offer has been there..
Ooooooo navvy you manimal!!!! my mate has a gixxer thou and i smoke him on track haha. Does seem to go well tho ive not had a go on it even though the offer has been there..
You should mate! I like the additional challenge of having to master and control the power of the litre bikes. As Robin said you can be as quick if not quicker on a lot of tracks on a 600/750 but I prefer the extra challenge. I've never gone down the easy route with anything
That is just mean Rob!! Looks like a proper bit of kit there! I was aiming for the K5/K6 as they are the long crank engines which are far better that the later models. But looking at the mods to that K7 I don't think it would make much difference