As the title suggests I thought it would be interesting to put up pics of places you've visited around the world, rather like they do in MCN but without the rag. Thought I'd start it off with a recent trip to funny comment's about my handbag thank you very much
Nice man bag dude! (mine is similar, one of the best things i've bought for holding my stuff) This year: IOM: Strasbourg: Gotthard, Switzerland: Germany: Garda, Italy: Lucerne: Verona: Portugal: New York:
I couldn't choose from all the fab places we've been to this year Steve. We never really had many hols when Emma and I got together, we had kids within 2 years, I was the only one working for 13 years out of the 17 yrs we've been together, money went on doing up the house and the kids etc... We were well skint, and never had spare money for hols etc, it's only in the past 4 yrs that the business started doing well, that we splash out now. I still refuse to buy a posh car as I think it's a total waste of money , so we have great times away now instead.
Not on the PC so no pics ok. Rome Bulgaria Spain, various locations Tunisia Greece Bangkok Singapore Hong Kong Pattaya Banjul gambia Goa A few repeats Bangkok gambia goa but I love repeats. Edit. Forgot France. How could I forget France
Apart from holidays in Spain, Greece, France etc. The following are from working away. Various places in Germany, Cologne, Munich & Hamburg. All over Japan from Amagasaki (southern tip) to Yamagata (north east, where the Tsunami hit). I stayed mainly in Tokyo, but this shot was before I went on the 200mph Bullet train for the first time. Stockholm, Sweden. This was definately work.
It didn't rain but the snow got up to 4 ft deep on the trails so we never made it to the top just to be safe.
If you say that too many times people might start believing you (if I was SAS then I'd have made it to the top)